Finding a good residential home that will accept


Registered User
Aug 13, 2014
Hi, I am new to the forum and am after some much needed advice.
My granddad who is in his late 80's has been living in a home for dementia patients for the past 2 years following the acceptance that my nan could no longer cope mentally or physically with the demands of is progressive dementia. Unfortunately this has been less that satisfactory with my mom desperately searching for a better home that fits first of all his care needs and secondly my nans expectations of what a good residential home should be like, along with the care homes their self accepting my granddad as a patient, this is due to his shouting at night and his attempts to get out of a standard bed along with the fact he can not walk or stand. If anyone has any information on a good care home who may accept within the Dudley borough or stretching to Halesowen please advise, any help would be appreciated.



Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Hi, sorry you have had to find us, but welcome. Can I ask...when did Grandad last see his GP/Mental Health consultant/ CPN ? It may be that any meds he is taking may need tweaking. I presume he was assessed on entry to the CH and they were happy for him to stay?
For now, have you asked your local adult social care dept for a list of CHs in the area who accept EMI residents. You could google " EMI Care Homes in x Area" that will bring ujp a list and visit lots of them before narrowing down the list.

Good Luck.