Financial affairs


New member
May 9, 2024
Hello everyone some advice would be helpful if that is ok. My dad is in a care home mam living in the family home.she had no lpa nothing as she was able to manage all their finances relating to Care home bills and house hold expenditure. She has very unexpectedly passed away last week. I am now in a position I am not able to pay any of dad's bills as bank won't allow. They had no third party mandate or anything as I said earlier mam was able herself. I do know because dad has dementia I need to apply for guardianship now and appointee for his pension but am so worried about care home bills because mam has died her savings have gone to him in a joint account and he will become a self funder how can I pay his bills in the meantime or can the local authority step in till it's sorted thank you everyone for taking the time to read this


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hello @Lotts , firstly I’m sorry to hear about your mum, that must have been a huge shock for the family. The last thing you need is all of this added stress right now and I know it is hard but try to not worry. I could suggest few things but I think the best way to get the right information would be to call the helpline .
It might be worth speaking with the financial department the local authority who deal with your dad’s area. Yes you will need to apply for deputyship and to be his appointee . The first takes quite some time so don’t wait too long but do speak with the LA first about who will do what and who can pay for what. Don’t forget that only your dad can pay for his care , you are not personally responsible ( unless you can afford top up payments)
Finally take some time to look after yourself, you have quite a load on your shoulders so take any offers for help that are given.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
In my experience care/nursing homes tend to be quite understanding, it must be a regular occurrence for them.
You don't have a power of attorney or access to his money and you're not liable for the costs unless you agree so don't sign anything.
My condolences on the loss of your mother. K


New member
May 9, 2024
Thank you Kevinl and alziemers forum it was such a shock to us I have been in touch with the LA and they are doing financial assessment in the next two weeks am seeing a solicitor next week thank you for your kind thoughts it's just very hard to grieve with all this on your head thank you again


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Tell both the LA and the care home the situation.
The LA may make a loan to pay the fees until deputyship is approved, the care home hopefully will be understanding.

Whoever applies for deputyship should make an urgent application to release funds from the joint account to pay care fees.
They could also ask for interim permission to sell house if funds in joint account are likely to run out.
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New member
May 9, 2024
Thank you so much for your advice I have spoken to the LA and am hoping they will do just as you have said the funds will be there for a few months it's just accessing them many thanks for the help