Don't mention the weather...


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
He then admitted that I do clean the bathroom. He said he could do it but he lets me because I really enjoy cleaning bathrooms. When my daughter told me what her dad had said all I could do is laugh.
This rang a bell with me too. My husband claims he can bath himself, shave himself, dress himself and wash his hair. As I had just finished doing all these things for him I asked him who had done them. He admitted I had but added - but I let you because you enjoy doing them.

I really know how to enjoy myself, don't I?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Yes, my OH thinks he can wash/shower, shave and dress himself and just allows the carers to do it for him.
One day when the children were coming over I cancelled the carer so that I could get him ready early, but OH came down to breakfast already dressed because he knew they were coming. It was only later I discovered that his flannel was completely dry and he had put his polo shirt on inside out and his pants on back to front.
But he doesnt need any help of course.....


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Following a couple of quiet weeks, my husband decided to wake me up numerous times during the night saying he had lost a £1 note. I kept telling him we would look for it in the morning. First thing this morning it started again. On and on about this £1 note. Now, if it had been a £1 coin I could have 'dropped' it and he could have 'found' it but - where do I find a £1 note from? Later in the day it stopped but now he has started again just as he is getting ready for bed. I foresee another sleepless night.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Following a couple of quiet weeks, my husband decided to wake me up numerous times during the night saying he had lost a £1 note. I kept telling him we would look for it in the morning. First thing this morning it started again. On and on about this £1 note. Now, if it had been a £1 coin I could have 'dropped' it and he could have 'found' it but - where do I find a £1 note from? Later in the day it stopped but now he has started again just as he is getting ready for bed. I foresee another sleepless night.
cant you get a fake £1 note? that children play shops with


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Does anyone want to know what the weather, where I live, is going to be today? I can tell you. It’s been almost 2 months since this thread was started and I’m still getting minute by minute updates on the weather by my husband. It’s noon here and I’ve heard the weather forecast at least 20 times already today. I put on my headphones but he just talks louder and shows me the forecast on his phone. I just keep reminding myself there are a whole lot of worse things he can and has been obsessed with and at least the weather isn’t that bad.

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