Don't mention the weather...


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
For the best part of a year, my mother would say, 'So did you have a nice Christmas? I didn't!'

This, every 5 bloomin' minutes! I tried every answer I could think of, going along with it, explaining she'd already asked me that 17 times today or showing her the calendar. Gave up in the end - nothing worked except looking out her window and saying, Oooh! Is that a pigeon?' Then pigeon chat would commence instead. And cloud chat. And plane chat. And, 'What's that thing on the grass?' 'It's a leaf, mum.' Is that a man on the side of that chimney?' No, mum, it's just a shadow.' 'There are children in that tree!' 'No, mum, the children are all in school...'

Some days I'd leave the care home feeling like Alice in Wonderland and wanting to scream.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Funny story. For our anniversary our daughters got us a private tour of a local botanical garden. Today was the tour and my husband kept interrupting the tour guide to show her cloud photos he had taken with his phone.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Funny story. For our anniversary our daughters got us a private tour of a local botanical garden. Today was the tour and my husband kept interrupting the tour guide to show her cloud photos he had taken with his phone.
I love that.

My husband would interrupt anyone to tell them about his work at the power station. The fact he left there 28 years ago seems to have escaped his notice.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2023
Second weekend in a row, father in law endlessly going on about going home . We've taken car keys off him . Now he wants to walk "home". Can't tell me where home is !


New member
Jan 22, 2023
You have all made me feel so much better, and I've had a good laugh at all your stories of the obsessions dementias bring. My husband gives a running commentary on the weather all through our meals, and at most other times! The sky, wind direction, clouds and if its raining that's reported on every few minutes. The birds too but he no longer knows all the different names of them, still remembers the Robin though.


Registered User
May 9, 2023
With my husband it’s the weather, or the plane trails on the sky and how high they fly - he’s never seen them so high - or in the car it’s the sheep in a field over and over and over. I try to switch off and tell myself each time it’s the first time he’s said it. Hard sometimes though 🙁


Registered User
Jun 9, 2021
My Jo is also fixated with vapour trails thinking they are either going straight up or crashing! I tried to explain but don’t bother now.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
For some strange reason whenever my husband sees a plane he assumes it is going to Sweden. It doesn't matter which direction (north, south, east or west), all planes go to Sweden.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
I’m enjoying this thread. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one listening to continuous commentaries on clouds, weather, birds and vapor trails. I love that for @Rishile’s husband all planes go to Sweden.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
I’m enjoying this thread. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one listening to continuous commentaries on clouds, weather, birds and vapor trails. I love that for @Rishile’s husband all planes go to Sweden.
Yes certainly nice to know we all hear similar stories on repeat.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2022
Well this has tickled me and also made me relieved! My husband has an obsession with clouds, weather (look at that sky) and the birds - my daughter bought him a bird table. I can't believe so many others have this issue! I have to say it quietly is sending me insane (I chuckle gently as I write this ...)


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Well this has tickled me and also made me relieved! My husband has an obsession with clouds, weather (look at that sky) and the birds - my daughter bought him a bird table. I can't believe so many others have this issue! I have to say it quietly is sending me insane (I chuckle gently as I write this ...)
Yes repeats are a good way of sending us to sleep, oppse I mean insane 😄😄


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Following Storm Babett the flowers in our garden were all blown down and needed removing. My husband said he would do it - while I was about to serve up dinner. He said it would only take five minutes. I told him to wait until our gardener came the next day and he would do it.

The following day, said gardener did as requested and removed all the dead and fallen plants. The garden looked much better.

Since then, all I've heard is 'He did a really good job, didn't he?' and 'he's a good worker'. He did question how long it took the gardener to do it all and I told him two hours. I didn't mention that the grass was cut, the weeds were removed from the path and daffodils were planted in that time too. He is still praising the gardener saying what a good job he did and how quickly it was done.

How come he never notices how much housework/washing/shopping gets done?


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
In our house , the ‘ staff ‘ do a wonderful job, whilst I ‘ oversee them ‘! I wish!


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
In our house , the ‘ staff ‘ do a wonderful job, whilst I ‘ oversee them ‘! I wish!
In our house 'Well you've always done the house work, what's changed? It can't be that hard' While he sits on sofa in front of TV


Registered User
Feb 8, 2021
I needed this humour relief. Full time carer and mum (with alz) live together and both got covid! I have also had ins and outs of bowels some days, cannot put newsreaders on tv as they are looking at her so they must be talking to her and she says "speak up i cannot hear you". She has always been an anxious person (dementia increased her anxiety so much also) that many years ago.i bought her a foot massager little bath for xmas and, because you plug in with water she wasn't sure it is safe so rang the doctor and said: "my daughter has bought me a vibrator for xmas!".
Gawd! (One good thing about covid is she haz slept most 24 hours so far so finally having a relaxing afternoon!)


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
When our daughter came to visit a few weeks ago her dad (with Alzheimer’s) told her how he does everything around the house and I don’t do anything. She started questioning him about each of the things she knows I do (which is almost everything) and asked him who does those things. For each thing he told her, “Your mother does that but I do everything else.” He then told her I was really lucky to have him since most men wouldn’t take care of everything around the house while the wife sat and read. He then admitted that I do clean the bathroom. He said he could do it but he lets me because I really enjoy cleaning bathrooms. When my daughter told me what her dad had said all I could do is laugh.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
i bought her a foot massager little bath for xmas and, because you plug in with water she wasn't sure it is safe so rang the doctor and said: "my daughter has bought me a vibrator for xmas!".
Jerseygirl you gave us all a good laugh.

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