Don't mention the weather...


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
... Or I'll scream!!

My husband has talked about nothing else but the rain today ever since he got up. As soon as he woke up he wanted to know if it was raining. I said it had been but had stopped. I have since received a running commentary of; it's stopped raining, it looks like it will rain again, it seems to be raining in the distance, it's raining, it's brightening up, it's raining again, it looks really wet out there, I'm not going out in that rain.

Aaaarrrggghhhh. Thank you, I feel better for that.


Registered User
May 13, 2022
Ear pods and listen to the radio or some calming music ! I sympathise as get similar and it drives you daft but just seems part of this awful disease. Keep smiling xx


Registered User
Jul 17, 2021
Oh dear, @Rishile . I really shouldn’t laugh but your post did make me chuckle a bit..
What a great rant. We’ve all done it before and I’m sure everyone will do it again. I’m just imagining you tearing your hair out.
Do you have any wine in the house. Don’t say it’s too early.😀


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
... Or I'll scream!!

My husband has talked about nothing else but the rain today ever since he got up. As soon as he woke up he wanted to know if it was raining. I said it had been but had stopped. I have since received a running commentary of; it's stopped raining, it looks like it will rain again, it seems to be raining in the distance, it's raining, it's brightening up, it's raining again, it looks really wet out there, I'm not going out in that rain.

Aaaarrrggghhhh. Thank you, I feel better for that.
Are we sharing the same husband?


Registered User
Oct 11, 2023
I've had , over months , obsession with:
The Moon
Birds in garden

Now all I hear about is the toilet and EVERY intricate detail about his bowels.

it's exhausting.
Sorry to hear your situation.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Is my husband one of triplets….see 2 posts above!
Birds in the garden,
Check the weather forecast and make comments…..before it get light
Don’t get me started on his sharing every detail of his toilet habits, including invitation to inspect and having to give an opinion!!
Mind numbing.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Clouds, weather and birds that’s my husband also. Our daughter came to stay with her dad for a couple of days, while I went out of town. When I got back the first thing she said was, “How do you stand this?” She said she was so tired of hearing, non-stop, about the clouds, the weather and the birds.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
Clouds, weather and birds that’s my husband also. Our daughter came to stay with her dad for a couple of days, while I went out of town. When I got back the first thing she said was, “How do you stand this?” She said she was so tired of hearing, non-stop, about the clouds, the weather and the birds.
Oh yes, the birds! We have to have a feeder and filled half coconut hanging on a branch close to our lounge window so himself can sit and watch his feathered friends. I can tolerate this until I get a running commentary as to every bird which has come to feed!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Oh yes, the birds! We have to have a feeder and filled half coconut hanging on a branch close to our lounge window so himself can sit and watch his feathered friends. I can tolerate this until I get a running commentary as to every bird which has come to feed!
As we were both avid birdwatchers I don't mind he constantly talking about the birds but it is sad that he can't now tell the difference between a seagull and a pigeon.

I shouldn't have complained yesterday. It hasn't rained today so all I've heard is 'At least it isn't raining' about a thousand times.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
We have a Juliette balcony where the rabbits, squirrels and other assorted animals live and everytime I take him food I have to bring food for them first or he will not eat his meal. Then he talks endlessly about the people who live downstairs who he pays a fortune to to look after him and bet they only pay me a pittance. He doesn't know why I don't get a better job - if only. This is the all day conversation unless someone is coming to take him on a trip at about 3 in the morning.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2023
We have a Juliette balcony where the rabbits, squirrels and other assorted animals live and everytime I take him food I have to bring food for them first or he will not eat his meal. Then he talks endlessly about the people who live downstairs who he pays a fortune to to look after him and bet they only pay me a pittance. He doesn't know why I don't get a better job - if only. This is the all day conversation unless someone is coming to take him on a trip at about 3 in the morning.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
We have a Juliette balcony where the rabbits, squirrels and other assorted animals live and everytime I take him food I have to bring food for them first or he will not eat his meal. Then he talks endlessly about the people who live downstairs who he pays a fortune to to look after him and bet they only pay me a pittance. He doesn't know why I don't get a better job - if only. This is the all day conversation unless someone is coming to take him on a trip at about 3 in the morning.
Oh, I'm so pleased others have the same things. My husband said the other morning 'Oh, she's washed all the towels. Hasn't she done a good job?' I asked who and he replied 'The woman we pay to do all the housework and washing. We pay her enough - you must remember'. If only!!


Registered User
Oct 11, 2023
My partner's dad thinks dead colleagues work in the attic, that he's in a hotel .....I could go on. And on. He has a genuine guest from abroad this week coming, God help them .
Brace !


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
but it is sad that he can't now tell the difference between a seagull and a pigeon.
Ms @Rishile , I bid you the fairest of greetings. 😌
Well, what a sad state of affairs. 😒 To not be able to tell the difference......pitiful .

For truly the difference between a noble gull and one of those vermin is as vast as that between beluga caviar and a ham sandwich. 😌

Smell is another dissimilitude - the kleptoparasite seagull, more often than not, has a fragrance of the sweetest rose.
The pigeon? - I'll leave it to the Bard in the Merry Wives of Windsor - "The rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril" 😏



Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Oh, I'm so pleased others have the same things. My husband said the other morning 'Oh, she's washed all the towels. Hasn't she done a good job?' I asked who and he replied 'The woman we pay to do all the housework and washing. We pay her enough - you must remember'. If only!!
My husband thinks I am in charge of ‘ all the staff ‘ that help with the smooth running of the house……….staff, wot staff, if only!


Registered User
Oct 11, 2023
My husband thinks I am in charge of ‘ all the staff ‘ that help with the smooth running of the house……….staff, wot staff, if only!
This afternoon, father in law, endless I want to go home.
We set Google maps and walked it, 50 feet .
Loading of car . He is adamant he is in Canada (who drive on wrong side).
Exhausting and a bit scary .
We might have to "move " his car .


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Now the weather has settled down a bit my husband has decided that when we listen to our MP3 player, he has to ask me who the singer is. This is driving me mad because, most of the time, I have no idea but he is insistent until I give him an answer. If I give him an answer off the top of my head he seems to realise and will keep on until I give him the right answer. Oh dear!! Maybe I should apply for PopMaster.

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