Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
We think of you both as we drive past giant daisies these days 🌼🌼🌼 …and as for @Neveradullday! thanks to @Dave63 I’m now thinking of international art thieves using A daily walk to Tesco as a cover 🙈🙈
Ah @sdmhred we did 'save' some giant daisies coincidentally a couple of weeks ago, I'm pleased to report they're still enjoying their freedom ;) I will let mum know you were thinking of us both, all our love to you and yours ❤


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Felt right grotty today :( aches, pains, the works... even my left eye is sore for some reason! Got my usual four hours in so it can't be a lack of sleep 🤔 eating reasonably well, fluids too so maybe I was due an off couple of days! Tally ho peeps, tally ho :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
hope you feel better soon.
Thank you my friend :)

Ooh a lot worse today though unfortunately, have made countless trips to the toilet which have been very unpleasant to say the least. In my 'professional' opinion (haha) reckon it's a bad case of stomach flu 🤢 consequently being ultra careful with mum and pacing myself somewhat. I rarely get ill so no complaints really, it's just bloomin' inconvenient @jennifer1967.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
The grottiness will pass @Eddcorner - hopefully sooner than later
Thanks @Chizz :) Feeling much grottier today so hoping it's a 48/72 hour thing - I don't really get unwell as such and have been pretty lucky down the years... Good thing too as I'm not a very good patient, I've worked in hospitals but could never be in one personally 😉 and as I have a natural aversion to taking meds will be trying to ride this one out fingers crossed 🤞


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hope you feeling a lot better @Eddcorner .
Monday and much better thanks @Knitandpurl :) although mum had a somewhat 'challenging' Saturday 🤔 I won't go into details but wowser a once in a decade event almost... fortunately she's much better today too although it left me feeling a little bit traumatised and guilty!! Mum reassured me knowing how I felt even though she was the one who had the episode, 'Edd it's okay son' out of the blue; very lucky to have her at my side methinks ❤


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Monday and much better thanks @Knitandpurl :) although mum had a somewhat 'challenging' Saturday 🤔 I won't go into details but wowser a once in a decade event almost... fortunately she's much better today too although it left me feeling a little bit traumatised and guilty!! Mum reassured me knowing how I felt even though she was the one who had the episode, 'Edd it's okay son' out of the blue; very lucky to have her at my side methinks ❤
Oh @Eddcorner, sorry to hear of your troubles and glad things improving. And as always a silver lining. It does me good to be reminded that as Carers we don’t just ‘give’ we also ‘receive’. The last thing my Mum said to me was “You’ll be alright “, I had just broken down saying how much I was going to miss her. But she was right. Wishing you both a much better week.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh @Eddcorner, sorry to hear of your troubles and glad things improving. And as always a silver lining. It does me good to be reminded that as Carers we don’t just ‘give’ we also ‘receive’. The last thing my Mum said to me was “You’ll be alright “, I had just broken down saying how much I was going to miss her. But she was right. Wishing you both a much better week.
It's a wonderful gift isn't it? ❤ And we're both getting better every day, a couple of bumps in the road are to be expected I suppose but it can still throw you somewhat when it happens ;) A bit of guilt on my part means mum gets spoilt a little bit more, consequently she's lapping it up haha!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Mum's on a very strict diet but I introduced a little bit of naughtiness into her eating routine because she works so hard on the former... custard creams after teatime meal. Now if I don't have any to hand though woe betide me!! The looks one gets if I've forgotten to stock up, ah well rod for my own back and all that stuff peeps 😉


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I don't know if you peeps remember but I had a big falling out with a family member some time back now where I actually stood up for myself for a change. I'd apologise or accommodate as it would always make things a little easier and for me mum was a priority re. maintaining family contact, however this episode led to this individual storming out on us both calling me numerous 'colourful' names!! I've given updates on mum's status on request but the last couple of messages received have been praising me and the support I provide once again... Hmm, watch this space methinks. I think this certain person is jealous (I'll explain later) of my position even though they freely admit if our roles were reversed they would have put mum in a nursing home! What me and mum enjoy is an equal partnership although she's definitely the boss haha... everything I do though is in consultation with mum, I'm not in charge or in 'control' of her actions - if she doesn't agree it won't happen. So we come back to the jealousy part, this family member takes umbrage that they're not the one making decisions. Oh they sing and dance about all the things they can do for mum and me like giving a bit of time respite wise in my direction but they are unable to meet even the most basic of needs citing this reason or that excuse, mum should fit in around them not the other way round. I've often been on the end of numerous accusations that it's my fault for not letting this family member be involved more heavily at the outset but I then remind them about all the stuff they apparently were unable to do as I attempted to design a pathway of support to involve them. Anyways rant over but I'm sure there's more to come... I just want to focus on my mum, she'll tell me off otherwise ;)
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Money comes in, money goes out! ;) More tena pants to add to the free ones we get from NHS, a variety of creams & supplements, stocking up on premium fish and chicken breast fillets, oh and everything else in-between and besides haha :) However in spite of all of these financial challenges I finally 'splurged' on myself... Six pairs of boxer shorts from Amazon for less than a tenner, one has to indulge oneself occasionally doesn't one? ;)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Money comes in, money goes out! ;) More tena pants to add to the free ones we get from NHS, a variety of creams & supplements, stocking up on premium fish and chicken breast fillets, oh and everything else in-between and besides haha :) However in spite of all of these financial challenges I finally 'splurged' on myself... Six pairs of boxer shorts from Amazon for less than a tenner, one has to indulge oneself occasionally doesn't one? ;)
Well done @Eddcorner!
I was looking for some new T-shirts and did consider Amazon (not bought any new for ages) but decided to go with an old favourite Next (online of course). They came last week (pack of 6) and I'm not disappointed.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well done @Eddcorner!
I was looking for some new T-shirts and did consider Amazon (not bought any new for ages) but decided to go with an old favourite Next (online of course). They came last week (pack of 6) and I'm not disappointed.
Ahh I remember the days when I could afford to shop at Next too @Neveradullday! :) Yep got mum a pack of five plain white t-shirta from Amazon which have done the trick nicely, can't remember the last time I shelled out on any new clothes (like yourself) for myself though 🤔 I had to purchase the boxers and felt terribly guilty for spending the money on them but needs must haha!

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