POA with bank questions, it’s very difficult!


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
Oh my goodness, you received a visit from the police?! That’s terrible! That must have been so awful for you, I’m so sorry you went through that.

I’m pleased to say that the bank approved my last payment to the top up card BUT they still won’t give me access to online banking. I need to make a bank transfer for window cleaning and they won’t let me! I tried calling again yesterday and they couldn’t help. So a formal complaint has been sent today. I now have huge anxiety over calling any financial institutions about my POA which I’ll need to get over as I’m sure this is just the beginning.
It’s a ridiculous situation we find ourselves in.
I’ve had so many rows with companies over staff incompetence since having POA.
HSBC was quite easy compared to some! They gave me a separate card & cheque book, fortunately I already had her banking app on my phone as I’d done all her finances since dad died. It was a god send as soon as she used her card for anything it flagged up on my phone. This alerted me that she was no longer getting her own shopping.
Not enough trained staff employed to deal with this situation despite it becoming increasingly necessary these days.
When she died HSBC are top of the list for being as UNhelpful as possible!
Closely followed by Aviva, Virgin & her building society. Seems they want to hold onto control of her money for as long as possible. 4.5 months so far despite having been supplied with every document possible. Fuming!
Probate only took a couple of weeks - which I fully expected to take months.
As if her passing wasn’t bad enough dealing with ill informed staff is a damn nightmare.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
It just shows the lack of consistency as well. I had great service from one of the places named here, the branch local to my mum even called me when mum took out a larger than usual amount of money as I am the attorney. I registered the LPA with mums banks with no hassle but I did need to make an appointment and take all the paperwork in which is fine for me but not someone who works full time. I have also been able to open new accounts in mums name , again I made appointments. In the past however I had to make a complaint about my late father’s bank as they just couldn’t get their act together even after he had been dead a year.