Dad having dementia and parkinsons as well as cancer suddenly his BP dropped few days back and he went unresponsive, still he is unconsious


New member
Mar 17, 2024
Dad having dementia and parkinsons as well as cancer suddenly his BP dropped few days back and he went unresponsive, still he is unconsious.

Doctors evaluated him, they did not find anything significant after doing MRI,EEG,CSF except atropy. Only found infection in uring culture which has been settled and all other vitals are also stable still he is in coma and not waking up.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @ajs291993 I am so sorry to read about your dad. Please keep posting on here for support and let us know how your dad is doing. This must be so hard for you, wishing you strength in these difficult times.