Changing the name of Dementia Talking Point


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I know the die is cast and the forum has a new name, but here's 2 more ideas if it's changed in future. They both portray d as an unwelcome visitor which we'd like to 'see off', the second one emphasises what a friendly place this is -

1. Seeing Off dementia In Time
2. Seeing Off dementia, Our Friendly Forum.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Thanks so much, @lollyc - you're a diamond!

I felt a bit guilty for pointing out that the new acronym resembled the furniture giant (I felt like one of the dragons on Dragon's Den). 😏
I was determined to contribute my own ideas!
Peace and love to all forum members BTW. ✌️💜

Alzheimer's Society

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 6, 2009
I know the die is cast and the forum has a new name, but here's 2 more ideas if it's changed in future. They both portray d as an unwelcome visitor which we'd like to 'see off', the second one emphasises what a friendly place this is -

1. Seeing Off dementia In Time
2. Seeing Off dementia, Our Friendly Forum.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. We always appreciate them :)


Registered User
Nov 26, 2018
Portsmouth, South Coast
I know the die is cast and the forum has a new name, but here's 2 more ideas if it's changed in future. They both portray d as an unwelcome visitor which we'd like to 'see off', the second one emphasises what a friendly place this is -

1. Seeing Off dementia In Time
2. Seeing Off dementia, Our Friendly Forum.
Oh yussss, the acronyms. 😂😂😂


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
What? The Old Boring Effluent award?
Just wait till I get my first anthology published - none of you will be laughing then! 😏
It'll sell like hot cakes.

And less of the 'old' - 'late middle aged', if you don't mind! 😐

Love to all forum members and AS, BTW 🙂💜
Last edited:


Registered User
May 21, 2020
Hello everyone

Last year, Alzheimer's Society embarked on its new five-year strategy to ensure we are working towards
more people getting an early dementia diagnosis, increasing our impact and growing our reach. As part of this work, teams across the Society have been reviewing their service names to ensure that the name clearly and simply reflects what the service delivers.

We want to ensure that all our services within the Society are as accessible as possible so that we can reach even more people affected by dementia at the earliest time possible.

With this in mind, we have been reviewing the name of our online community here at Dementia Talking Point to consider whether the current forum name aligns well with the new Alzheimer's Society strategy - or if another name could ensure more people affected by dementia find us and benefit from the support that our wonderful community offers.

Over the last few months we have been conducting multiple levels of research from group panels involving those affected by dementia, questionnaires to Society volunteers including those that support us here at Dementia Talking Point, as well as analysis of search term data that leads people to finding the forum through search engines.

Throughout this research it became apparent that although Dementia Talking Point has been the name of the community for over 20 years, there are other terms that we can incorporate to optimise our visibility and ensure that more people affected by dementia can find us and benefit from the support that all of you offer here within the community.

Therefore, we are really excited to announce that as of Tuesday 3rd October 2023, the forum will change its name to Dementia Support Forum. We hope that this name better represents the supportive and compassionate environment that you all create and will allow even more people affected by dementia to get support as early as possible.

We know that this is a big change and know that many of you will feel optimistic about what this change can offer to those affected by dementia. We also know that some of you may feel sad, uncertain or even frustrated by the change of name and we do appreciate this and understand and would like for you to have your views heard. If you do have any thoughts, feelings or comments that you would like to share with the community team, we have created a form to allow everyone to share their feedback which can be accessed here:

You may receive some further messages, or see a few alerts around the forum over the next few weeks while we look to ensure that as many members as possible are aware of the name change. You should notice the name has changed officially on Tuesday 3rd October 2023.

It might take some time for us to appear on search engines as 'Dementia Support Forum' but you can always find us by using the same website link:

Lastly I would like to say thank you for all being part of this community - it really wouldn't be the supportive place that it is without all your questions, answers, compassion, knowledge, empathy, insights, kindness...I really could go on!

So although after 20 brilliant years the name of the forum is changing, the community that you have all created remains and will now look to support even more people that are affected by dementia that need our support.

Please do fill out the form in the link that is included in this post with any thoughts or views that you wish to share. I'm really keen to hear from you.

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of your week.

Best wishes

Is it going to be easier to find your way around. It really is a mess bits of it are very repetitive the layout is awful


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Is it going to be easier to find your way around. It really is a mess bits of it are very repetitive the layout is awful
So far the only announcement has been a change of title with no mention of format.
Can you post a link to a forum, preferably one with diverse but related sub forums, which you find more acceptable?


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Jude48 and thanks for your contribution. I have a professional background in IT and developing sites that are better suited to the needs of members/users. It can be hard to meet everyone's requirements particularly given that some (like me) are comfortable with a structured approach whilst others prefer a more intuitive or 'organic' approach.

Constructive criticism plays a vital part in getting the best out of any system but it does need to be based on specifics rather than generalities. It would be really helpful if you could give some examples of what makes the site a 'mess', where there is repetition and why you consider the layout to be 'awful'. Suggestions for where improvements could be made would be especially valuable.

Changing the name will do nothing to address any of the points you raise and is not intended to. However, if there are genuine and significant concerns about the format and functionality of the site I feel sure that the administrators would wish to know about these.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
Constructive criticism plays a vital part in getting the best out of any system but it does need to be based on specifics rather than generalities.

One thing I think might be very helpful is the facility to choose which forums/subforums are accessible to each member. eg I have read several times that those with dementia are sometimes upset by posts by carers detailing symptoms and experiences. If there could be a way to choose to view certain forums and not others that could be beneficial.

But to return to the original subject! I think the title 'Dementia Support Forum' tells it like it is and will help more people find what they're hoping for when using search engines.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
Thanks @northumbrian_k , for your helpful input. But… can I be the only person out here that thinks that the most helpful point of the whole organisation is Talking Point? (or however they want to rename it)
Whether or not people feel the website is a ‘mess’ and maybe it is and maybe it isn't, it seems to me that AS as an organisation is not really addressing the needs of its members. its done nothing for me, yet the forum has been a source of enormous help. Has it forgotten its core purpose? It’s not listening to its people. Disappointing.


Registered User
May 17, 2022
I agree. The Society's name should be changed to include and represent all types of dementia .
I VERY MUCH AGREE - those like my OH who has LBD- do feel very isolate and not included much of the time - we need more on those other types of Dementias

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