Challenging behaviour


New member
Feb 24, 2024
My mum spent 10 weeks in hospital recently following a fall, she developed sepsis and pneumonia and delerium as well as fractures to pelvis and hand. She has been home around 8 weeks now and physically doing well but she has become very Paranoid and thinks that me or my family members are taking things from her house. She does not want me to help her with financial issues anymore, she doesn't want me to help with appointments either. She has refused to go back to the memory clinic and argues with me constantly when she believes she is right and says that nobody else sees a problem with her memory, only me. She also tells me that my memory is bad and that I need the memory clinic!! I'm at my wits end because she just says it's nothing to do with my Alziemers, I've had that for years!! Don't know how to approach the situation now. I try not to argue but she is always trying to start it :(


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
Sounds so exhausting and stressful. Is your Mum on any dementia meds? Memantine has calmed some of my Mum's feistiness. Her reluctance to go to memory clinic doesn't stop you updating them on how things are progressing. In my experience there isn't much on offer from the memory clinic apart from medication in any case. I was very sceptical we could get Mum to take tablets as we had to give up on donepezil but she thanks people now when they give them to her. Things can change and do go through stages but you can feel very stuck in the stages.

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