Care home latest....


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
so glad to hear your news, must be a weight off your shoulders, now you'll be able to look after you and enjoy your time with him when you visit,x

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
Honestly,I've been in limbo this past 6 weeks,not knowing what to think or feel or expect from social services, an underlying sadness really.I can't believe it's the best outcome I could've imagined,he needed more care and they agreed!!I feel alive again,so lucky that I had a really compassionate mental health nurse who was by our side the last 18 months,I'll be forever grateful to her.I still feel bewildered and bereaved by what's happened and I know I'll never get over this,I'd never heard of FTD till May 2022 when my Eddie was diagnosed,I know all there is to know now and it's got to be the most evil of all dementias💔


Registered User
May 15, 2021
I am so pleased for you, that you can get your life back and Eddie is somewhere where he can be well cared for.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
I’m absolutely delighted that you got the outcome you needed and wanted. It’s uplifting to know that there are professionals out there who have empathy towards carers of PWD.

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
Well I've come to accept he'll never come home and now I've had time to think.I'm now realising that part of the PIP benefit will stop,I don't know if ESA or the council tax discount will stop,whether I'll get help as a single pensioner with hardly any savings(they got used up in the 18 months waiting for a diagnosis)how will I manage? Oh my it never ends😱


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
maybe worth chatting to CAB or age uk or admiral nurses. some one has the knowledge of what you are entitled to. pension credit is another maybe. you need to find out more.

can i ask of other members, do alz.soc. or admiral nurses still support the carer when their PWD has gone into care?or is there another organisation specifically for this?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@sunshine chrissy Please follow @jennifer1967’s advice and contact the Alzheimer Society’ helpline or the Admiral Nurses helpline for advice. The Society’s contact number is 0333 150 3456.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im guessing that your OH is still of working age and I dont know how long it will be before he will get his pensions, but I thought Id mention that when he gets a private pension you can request half of it for yourself.

Meanwhile, yes, contact Citizens advice, Age UK or your local Carers group to get advice on benefits


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
maybe worth chatting to CAB or age uk or admiral nurses. some one has the knowledge of what you are entitled to. pension credit is another maybe. you need to find out more.

can i ask of other members, do alz.soc. or admiral nurses still support the carer when their PWD has gone into care?or is there another organisation specifically for this?
I had the support of an admiral nurse for a very short time when my husband was in a care home. Apparently, they are not able to 'reach' into the care home and are not able to support carer's if the PWD is not living with them. It may be worth checking though, as it may be different in other areas.


Registered User
May 15, 2021
Well I've come to accept he'll never come home and now I've had time to think.I'm now realising that part of the PIP benefit will stop,I don't know if ESA or the council tax discount will stop,whether I'll get help as a single pensioner with hardly any savings(they got used up in the 18 months waiting for a diagnosis)how will I manage? Oh my it never ends😱
I am so sorry, as if you haven't been through enough. As others have said you will still get the 25% discount on council tax, half of any private pension that your husband receives, and may be eligible for pension credit. Age UK and CAB will be able to advise you better, but I share your fears, the fallout from dementia just goes on and on. I don't have a private pension and will have to carry on working part time until I drop. I've dealt with my husbands debts for 5 years, abuse and aggression, and face financial hardship as I slip into old age - I never thought it would end like this. It is little consolation but you are not alone ........

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
Thanks so much everyone for your kindness,it really helps not to feel so alone.I'm going to start looking into everything on Monday,put it all out of my head till then.

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
I am so sorry, as if you haven't been through enough. As others have said you will still get the 25% discount on council tax, half of any private pension that your husband receives, and may be eligible for pension credit. Age UK and CAB will be able to advise you better, but I share your fears, the fallout from dementia just goes on and on. I don't have a private pension and will have to carry on working part time until I drop. I've dealt with my husbands debts for 5 years, abuse and aggression, and face financial hardship as I slip into old age - I never thought it would end like this. It is little consolation but you are not alone ........

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
Well I've done almost all of the DWP phonecalls,I hate using the phone at the best of times but I'm proud of myself,this is a milestone for me it really is! Still lots of stuff to sort,passed from pillar to post"oh I can't help with that,ring this number"etc! Spent most of this week hanging on the phone with annoying music if you can call it that😩Eddie still not settling well but I've come to accept it's out of my hands,it's official from 1st Dec,permanent care.Worrying now about money but I feel stress free compared to how I was last month.I've been reading posts on here tonight,omg some people are coping with far more than I did,I feel so fortunate that Eddie got the care that he(and I)needed before it broke both of us.Thank you to everyone who listened and replied to me all through this nightmare❤️

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
Well it never ends,I thought everything was sorted regarding DWP,council tax etc.Now I've had a letter(addressed to Eddie) about his phone with 02,he's not used it for 2 months now since he went into care so I cancelled the direct debit,he wasn't in contract,sim only for last few years,it's now been passed over to a debt collection agency for non payment last 2 months,they'll be in touch soon if it's not paid.I won't sleep tonight,I've never been in this position before,I thought I'd done the right thing,I can't cope again now,what do I do?


Registered User
Mar 17, 2022
I had a similar situation with Vodafone. Try phoning O2 and ask to speak to the bereavement team (I know you aren’t but that’s how I finally got to speak to the right person). I hope you can get it sorted.