Can I ... Should I?

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
Oh, about all I can manage to say!

Now you know how it got broken. Maybe give her some dusters for Christmas? Some non-Christmas tree ones, I mean?

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Hi @Margi29 I've got my fingers crossed that I don’t need to imagine your 4 foot nothing Mum wielding a 4 foot tree as a feather duster :)

I did think Mum was just up for an argument, especially as I kept leaving the room, but each time I came back she started again

Today was better. Well, I got her up after 10, as we were supposed to leave by 9.30 & she was not showing signs of getting up. So long as I got it there by 5 it was ok & it’s only an hour or so, so no stress. It was pleasant enough, till we got to Kent & the mist rolled down.

I just can’t face the tree, so although on the table, it’s bare. I’ll have a go over the weekend. I’ll put a bottle in the fridge & tackle it in peace & tipsy mode :)


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
Hi @Margi29 I've got my fingers crossed that I don’t need to imagine your 4 foot nothing Mum wielding a 4 foot tree as a feather duster :)

I did think Mum was just up for an argument, especially as I kept leaving the room, but each time I came back she started again

Today was better. Well, I got her up after 10, as we were supposed to leave by 9.30 & she was not showing signs of getting up. So long as I got it there by 5 it was ok & it’s only an hour or so, so no stress. It was pleasant enough, till we got to Kent & the mist rolled down.

I just can’t face the tree, so although on the table, it’s bare. I’ll have a go over the weekend. I’ll put a bottle in the fridge & tackle it in peace & tipsy mode :)
I put our tree up after grandchildren had gone home last week, the thought of eleven month old attacking it filled me with fear, four year old is not really interested.
Yes get your tree up and send me a picture x

Nothing really surprises me anymore with mum lol, I can not imagine what a seven and half stone, under five foot 88 year old could do with next tree, watch this space :D:eek:


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Evening all,

Sorry I have not been around much for a couple of days - our TV, internet etc have all been unplugged while the wall was painted. Tomorrow we have a Sky engineer coming to try and install Sky Q. We were originally told it was not possible as we have a communal satellite dish, now we have been told otherwise. It will be good if it can be done as it will give me proper TV in our bedroom.

What a palaver you have had with the Christmas tree Margi! I do hope the 4th tree lasts until Christmas Day at least ((hugs)))

Sam, I'm sorry your mum was in such a contrary mood, hope the improvement continues ((hugs))). I also hope you do get yourself something nice for Christmas, you certainly deserve it!

Mum, who used to enjoy Christmas and had loads of decorations etc, was not interested last year although we did put up a few decorations and her cards. I remember wrapping a big box of choccies for the carers and returning the next day to find that she had found and opened it :rolleyes:

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
Hi, @Margi29, thanks for asking.

On Saturday I imagine there will be last minute errands and wrapping and baking.

On Christmas Eve Day for the last two (I think) years, we have volunteered with friends. We plan, shop for, cook, and serve a meal at a charitable organization that serves families with ill children (the Ronald McDonald House). This has been the best thing about Christmas the past couple of years. Then we usually go over to said friends' house and eat nibbles and drink and play games and exchange gifts. We don't do gifts proper, but rather my friend J and I exchange "stockings." Well, the stocking fillers fill up a shopping bag if we're not careful and it's a mix of junk, real gifts, and very silly items indeed. Bonus points if you've bought it on clearance (and of course we leave the clearance tags on). One year, to much hilarity, we discovered we had bought each other the exact same pair of silly patterned pants (I cherish my penguin pants). Our OH's look on with mild amusement, but they think we're weird.

On Christmas Day we will drive to my aunt and uncle's house. They live 100 miles away, in the city where I grew up. Don't worry, there's no traffic on Christmas Day and it's an easy 90 minute drive if the roads are clear. We will have a festive dinner with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt, my two cousins, and their partners (one is married and the other one is mercifully not dating anyone this year--we've had some awkward girlfriend visits), and perhaps some friends of the family. We celebrate both Christmas and Hannukah with this branch of the family. This year the gathering will be short as my OH has to return to work on the 26th (not a holiday here) but normally we'd stay for a few days. So probably not time for latkes (potato pancakes) or extra cooking this year, a shame, as I like that part, but we will get to see everyone. This year our festive dinner is going to be a Belgian beef stew for the carnivores, and a mushroom burgundy stew for the vegetarian and my uncle who keeps some of the food laws (but not strictly kosher), and I'm cooking the vegetarian main. It's a new recipe to me so I hope it turns out okay, but there's no pressure.

Somewhere in there, we will go see my mother in the care home and do whatever we're doing. You can see my angsty Christmas thread elsewhere for the gory details, but we're not taking her out of the care home this year for the first time. She is maybe having a blood pressure/medication problem, but the upshot is she is extra confused and disoriented and generally has no idea who we are or that it's Christmas. Bah humbug.

I am probably looking forward more to New Year's when we have no plans, and maybe can just watch movies and eat nibbles and maybe a bottle of something fizzy, at home.

And you? Other than not dusting with the tree? (I still sort of laugh and cringe simultaneously when I picture that. From Sam's comment, I take it your mum is petite?)

@Slugsta, how did the wall colour turn out? Are you pleased with it? And how are you keeping these days? I imagine you're having some mixed feelings about Christmas.

@Sam Luvit, at least you've got the tree, it took us over a week to finally decorate ours, don't feel badly!

I spent a lot of today doing tedious, annoying administrative things with the care home and then rebelled and did some baking. It's a new recipe and it managed to use the stand mixer AND the food processor AND several bowls, two offset spatulas, and a partridge in a pear tree. No, just kidding, no partridge. It's a version of lebkuchen and you're supposed to let them sit for 24 hours for the flavors to blend before you eat them. I'll try. They smell good and that little piece on the edge that just happened to fall off tasted nice! So the house smells like Christmas and with the tree all decorated, looks like Christmas. I don't feel terribly Christmassy but neither do I feel too humbug-ish, so I'll take it.

Speaking of trees, I owe the Christmas Tree thread a story, and I'm determined to go and write it. Here I go!


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
Ooh, your Christmas Day sounds like an American film! With a big family around the table! Oh my goodness...I do love to read this thread. What a lovely group you are. You just HAVE to have a sense of humour when dealing with dementia don’t you? I remember the evening I was so very tired, and really irritable and then Martin kept talking to the big cushion beside him...and every time he did it...he said, ooh, I thought it was someone sitting there. We just cracked up...he was laughing too. But the idea of a little Mum brandishing a tree!!!
If I don’t drop in again before the big day, have a good one, everyone. Special thoughts to you, dear Slugsta x x x


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello, I hope you dont mind if I drop in. I read the long threads and love reading everyones news, but seldom post.

This year we havent got the tree up and I have accepted that it just wont happen now. I think the decorations are up in the loft, but havent had time to look. Yesterday I found OH getting the ladder out of the garage to get up into the loft, but the idea of a man with poor mobility due to balance problems going up a ladder into the loft made my hair stand on end.

At least we have the advent ring with candles and today Im going to cover the Christmas cake with icing and bake some mince pies, so Im hoping that I will feel more festive.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Hi @Slugsta

I dream of turning off all social media, then realise I’d be cut off from everyone, so maybe not. Although I’m reducing my FB presence, as too much political slagging for me. Hope Sky can sort your new box, it’s funny what you miss when you can’t have it

Mum seems to be back to just a bit grumpy, rather than continual snipping, so that’s good. I’ll confess to telling her she needed to wind her neck in or I’d be off (I wouldn’t really but she didn’t need to know that), but my leaving would be house sold & her in a CH. Whether or not her temper was Alzheimer’s she certainly has pulled back & is nicer.

Lol. Mum ate the chocolates last year that I’d bought for everyone, then hid the other boxes & tins so no one got them. I found them about 6 months later!!

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
@Sam Luvit, at least you've got the tree, it took us over a week to finally decorate ours, don't feel badly!

Morning @Amy in the US

Your Christmas sounds loverly, doing things you enjoy with people you love. I’ve kicked the traditional full roast out the window & replaced with easy cooking & nibbles. I get to spend time with people instead of melting in the kitchen alone. It does make a better day for everyone.

I found an old recipe for chocolate mouse & trued it out, also lots of mess with melted chocolate & egg whites, but it was delicious so I’m going to make that mess again soon. I might even do a few for Christmas visitors!! I used to love baking, but I have so little energy these days, it seems like a chore. I’m looking fit my mojo to restart, although my expanding waistline may rebel

Ive always preferred New Year to Christmas, the latter was for family & the former for me. Unfortunately they both seem to be for other people these days. I do try to get something organised for New Year, but it has fallen on its butt the last few years. Maybe a good film & a bottle of fizz will do this year

I have the decorations put the loft, so I am going to try to make the effort, but right now, with 3 people uncertain if they will come, my eldest in a right strop & Mum being, well Mum, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. Bah. Humbug

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
If I don’t drop in again before the big day, have a good one, everyone. Special thoughts to you, dear Slugsta x x x
Hi @Amethyst59

Doesn’t @Amy in the US ‘s Christmas just sound idea. Everyone doing a bit so everyone is part of it, rather than our (or my) version where everyone is sitting in the lounge, with me solo in the kitchen

Humour is essential to surviving, I do joke & jolly Mum along as much as possible. Big brother takes the P out of her to make her laugh & I do tell her snippets from on here ( no names obviously), mostly she laughs, so I pinch your stories to keep her spirits up

She’s yet to talk to a cushion, but often mumbles, then says she’s talking to herself, I have asked her to do it in her head so as not to confuse me, but she still does it. Usually right in the middle of a dramatic moment in a film!

I’m behind with everything this year, really need to get sorted. It’ll be tea n toast at this rate :eek:

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Hello, I hope you dont mind if I drop in. I read the long threads and love reading everyones news, but seldom post.
Don’t be daft @canary, join in any time you like.

I sent eldest into the loft for the tree, paper & decorations. It’s cold up there, I’m not that dumb!! He grumbled, but then he always grumbles. Mum often attempts to climb up, freaks me out & we argue. Nothing quite as scarey as seeing your 80’s mother climbing up a ladder (which is at the top of the stairs). She’s always been a 100 miles an hour, so she has no thought to any danger. She’ll be on the 4th or 5th step & I’ll be hanging over the hole demanding she go back down. Eldest gets stress & doesn’t help. Youngest is the best, he very kindly asks her to wait & says she is scaring her & he worries. She accepts that.

I’ve found last years Christmas cake in the back of a cupboard, very much out of date, so I’ve not bothered baking one this year. I don’t understand why Mum hid all the good stuff last year.

Mince pies have been bought, eaten & evidence hidden. Good old Mum :D


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
I truly hope everyone on here has the best Xmas possible, there are too many of you to mention x

This thread has been a lifeline for me through the perils of this year, I can rant and carry on.

Mum has brother and sister in law staying in guest flat over Xmas, well until Xmas day afternoon, they're doing lunch, I don't have to think of staying at mums for couple of nights.

Looking forward to Xmas day, eldest daughter is doing the meal, last time was a couple of years back.
Later in the afternoon, karaoke machine appeared :eek: after me singing one or two songs, suddenly my daughter said ' mum I've rang you and dad a taxi ' obviously my daughter does not appreciate this ha ha.

Mum and dad always said I had a voice like a cat drowning !! And a very good friend who had a pub , used to say ' sing at the end of night, we don't need bouncers with your voice , to clear the pub '

So merry Xmas to you all and I will consider X factor next year :D

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
Sam, a chocolate mouse?? Or mousse? The latter, I hope!

It's not all jolly family holidays, there are dynamics and communication problems, not to mention my other aunt (Aunt D) with health issues who makes my very dear Aunt M completely insane. And my cousin who is inflexible and insists on having our gathering a certain way. And none of my family ever want to leave the house and DO anything. And my other cousin who doesn't communicate well, and doesn't arrange travel plans until the last minute, and is terminally untidy and leaves his stuff everywhere. And so on. I left all that out of the other version. But it will be good overall, and I am grateful, don't think I'm not!


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Afternoon all,

Ah, the new description sounds more human Amy, I was beginning to think I had woken to find myself in the middle of an episode of 'The Waltons' :D Seriously, despite the 'issues' it does sound as if you have a good time planned, I hope everything goes smoothly and you have the fun you deserve.

One year hubby and I helped out serving Christmas lunch at the local homeless shelter. The plan was that our extended family would have lunch without us and we would arrive later in the afternoon (after popping in to see a friend who was spending the day alone) to open gifts. Early afternoon we got a call from my Mum to say that we were 'spoiling Christmas for everyone else' by not being there and to demand that we returned forthwith :( Note - this was long before the dementia! My back problems really mean that I cannot do that kind of thing now, but maybe we will find something we can do one year.

It is lovely listening to everyone's plans and to realise how different, yet how similar, people's days can be.

I did make a cake this year and have covered it with marzipan. Now that the marzipan has dried out, I am going to use a little glace icing on the top and decorate with almonds. I used to bake a lot but stopped and really cannot stand around in the kitchen these days. However, I did make a batch of 'Nutella vodka' for presents this morning. I might have kept a little back for myself :p

I am hoping my TV will be sorted this evening and my internet access really shouldn't be affected . . .

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Sam, a chocolate mouse?? Or mousse? The latter, I hope!!

Good old auto correct, @Amy in the US, you gotta love what ends up on the page, proof reading essential but sometimes skimmed !!!

I’m so glad I’m not the only one with those family dynamics. I’ve darling Aunty M, who is now very ill, wonders off topic & falls asleep on the phone, eldest pressing my buttons by playing in his phone & saying “what” when I pull him on it (he’s 27, so has no excuse), then there’s Mum cancelling everything, or deciding to clean while I’m cooking or she must fill the washing machine as I’m serving food? I’m on car duty, so I can’t even melt into a soothing bubble of alcohol induced mush

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Hi @Slugsta, the idea of helping out the homeless at Christmas really appeals, I tried to get involved a few years ago, but wasn’t allowed to as you had to attend various meetings first. I’m going to make more of an effort to find a positive way of doing something in 2018

I am fighting the urge to go shopping, but decided this year I’m nit going to spend the fortune I don’t have on presents people don’t want. I feel mean, but I’ve donated instead, so at least I’m not really being mean.