Can I ... Should I?


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
Margi, sorry to hear about your mum, it must be awful for you. I'm right there with you in hating this awful, terrible, rotten disease.

Sam, good luck finding that library book!

Hope everyone is warm and safe.
Thank you Amy, it's like a game of surprise surprise, you just never know what is going to greet you at my mums.
So sad, she was so bright, loved quizzes, beautiful seamstress, fabulous cook, her drawings were lovely too. She still loves Xmas and at least we have the joy of seeing her face when her little flat was decorated with all her Xmas things.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
It's the annual Xmas party at mums complex tomorrow, so sister and myself are going ( I've to go to work at 7 at night, so take work clothes with me ) my daughter is doing mums hair, my sister is going early to make sure mum has her new clothes on.
It was the quiz today, the certain few who make remarks and mutter under their breath about mum were there in full force. If they start their antics tomorrow at party, the Xmas pudding may be popped in an undesirable place !!

They need to give me a wide berth, good will to all men etc....

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
I wouid guess that cutting the plugs off is her way of turning off the electric. In the bad old days, everyone unplugged things at night to prevent fires, if she can’t pull out the plug, maybe she is cutting them off instead

I wonder if there is some gadget to stop plugs being pulled, or to hide them @Margi29, probably in baby or children safety areas. I’ll have a look around & let you know if I find anything.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
@Margi29 I’ve had a look & if you google “hide plugs from babies” you will see lots of ideas, from putting the plugs in a box, to gaffer tape over the wire

By pure chance, I have plugged a surge protector in & hung it on the wall behind the TV for all those wires & another one near the remote phone, hidden under a shelf, for the phone, lifeline etc

Maybe you could try that, hide the cable in tracking or cover with tape.

Much of the blurb talked about babies playing with what they can see. I know your Mum is not a baby, but as I refer to my mum as an 80 year old toddler, I look for solutions in baby & toddler areas.

Just trying to think outside the box


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Apr 6, 2011


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
The cables could be hidden in plastic trunking e.g.

A square section would be better for any 3D orthogonal routing

It might be possible to tuck the trunking into something like

A moulded on plug could make this difficult.

@Sam Luvit @Margi29
Thank you @nitram


Registered User
Oct 31, 2016
I wouldn't come up here neither. Snow over weekend, no gritters on our road !! As you know I live on a hill, clean underwear essential when reaching bottom of hill ( total sheet ice all way down) :eek:

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Bin lid frozen this morning. Should be fun for collections.

Was about to take the pooch out, but Mum insisted. Silly woman.

It’s absolutely freezing

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
Tum, de tum, tee dum ... waiting for the last of the soaps to be over so we can eat. I could really do without mums sudden interest in them, I want to cook, eat, clear away & relax

Who knew there were so many? They go on for hours. I’ve tried recording them, for her to watch when I’m not about, but she just won’t. It has to be when they are on. She insists she doesn’t watch much. Only a half hour slot. Yes sure. But it’s 5 half hour slots.

I’m cold & tired & getting right grumpy

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
I’m exhaustipated . (So tired I don’t ...). Taken Mum round the charity shops, for two hours. Persuaded her to buy a coat, hat, jumper & a couple of books!! I’ve found a little something to wrap for youngest fiancée children (that sounds a bit of a mouthful), they are going clothes shopping in the sales, but I wanted them to have something to open.

Not long left, but I’ve very few days when I’m not doing something to get any bits. It’s going to be a very quiet Christmas.

Recovering with coffee before I venture out again for food shop


Registered User
Jul 23, 2016
Cleaner is looking like an excellent idea especially in the male form;)
Bit of eye candy.......still then again too exhausted to be bothered lol.

Aw Margi sorry to read about your lovely Mum how are you going to cope with family and your work as well, it doesn't get any easier does it.:(

Slugsta what a shame there doesn't seem to be a neighbally feel in your complex Sams' idea for drinks in the New Year seems a good one maybe worth a try.
I'm just about getting Mum to singing for the brain. Mum never wants to go out now it's hard getting her into the car as she isn't very mobile now and unless the songs are familiar to Mum she gets anxious and wants to leave then when we get home I have trouble getting her back into the house as she doesn't recognise it even though she has lived in it for 32 years.Such a shame if we have to stop it's the only time anything Mum says makes sense when she's singing!!!

Sam you deserve a medal trying to mediate between two people with dementia:confused::confused: and you must be the neighbour of the year:)
We haven't had any snow here but boy has it been cold so been wrapping Mum up in her heated blanket, central heating on full blast feels like the tropics inside and poor Mum bless her will still say she's cold.
The last 2 nights Mum has also had a wee in her pad she's never done that before she's always fidgeted so I've known to get her up and onto the commode so unless I'm prompting Mum and taking her to the loo she is now doubly incontinent :(
I think the phase your Mum is going through Sam is quite daunting knowing enough to know that things arn't right and not able to do all she could it must feel so overwhelming for her I think that's when a bit of depression can set in. Keep on with your hugs your Mum will be needing them.

Just watching Nino De'campo the Italian chef on tv it's made me feel hungry so I'm off into the kitchen to see what I can have.

Goodnight everyone

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
I can just see me drooling over some hunk of a cleaner, then falling asleep as he dusts!!!! Eye candy is all well & good, but I’ve no energy to follow through. I need some full of energy guy to sweep me off my fire who takes over sorting some of the daily grind & charms Mum into accepting daily cleaner & befriender so I can catch up in my sleep. I suppose I’m not supposed to sleep through his charms, but dance gaily till the sun comes up !

What do you think @rosy18 ?

Took Mum into town today, it was cold, but I kept her smiling, she’s much happier right now. Just need it to last a few days, so I can build up my reserves again. Crashed out in the lounge while she was soap viewing ... not the best th8ng to do, as I had to struggle off to Tesco feeling like a limp rag

Looking forward to some rubbish TV after I’ve walked the pooch. It’s so cold, he looks out & then starts back tracking into the warmth lol


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Sorry guys, I didn't mean to offend anyone with my link :oops:

Hubby and I played cribbage again this evening and won the grand sum of £6. It was £4 last time so we are clearly in the money! :D

It is very mild here (5C on the way home past 10pm) and rather wet.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
That’s ok @Slugsta, I thought it funny, but rules is rules I guess. I can’t wuite get my head round anyone offering that though. Must be a hard up student or ....

Hey ho

Oh my gosh (!!!), someone else that play cribbage, dad taught Mum, then we played as a family, I’ve taught my sons too. They loved it. Mum was talking about it this week & I was thinking of dragging out our game. I know we have a few boards around.

Only 4* here, expecting to rise to 5* later this morning! A high of 7* expected tomorrow, but as we were expecting rain on Tuesday & got snow, I’m not counting on it :)


Registered User
Jul 23, 2016
I thought it amusing too Slugsta!!

Just got Mum on the commode then had to do pad change and clean up poor Mum she's back fast asleep and I'm wide awake.

Love to dance Sam how fantastic it must be to do strictly and be taught so intensely. Once Mum and I were on a cruise and the couple on our next table were in their 80's and had been pro dancers and were on tv when the first "Come dancing " programme used to be on years ago.Every evening whilst in the Queens room, the ballroom on board shop he would have a dance with me and give me a little lesson. I thought I was in seventh heaven as he glided me around the dance floor :D. They were such a dear couple and still very fit.

Scruffy reminds me of when I had my dog an Old English Sheep dog when the weather was bad no way would he venture outside I'd spend ages getting wrapped up, coat on him,only for him to sit down and look at me as if to say "you must be joking"
Well I'm going to try and get back into the land of nod if not tv might go on very quietly of course so as not to wake Mum but she's back into such a deep sleep I doubt anything will wake her up:):)

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
I love to dance @rosy18, it’s the one time I don’t feel self conscious, I did ball room dancing at school!! I got told off on the first lesson for wearing heels, but as I could run in them (then), I was allowed to carry on wearing them. I loved it. Not much call for the waltz now :rolleyes:

Sun shine today, so pooch was happier going out. Short walk this morning as I’m supposed to be working, but I did a few extra hours on Tuesday, so I’m going in a bit later today. The joys of volunteering... no set in stone times :eek: