Can I ... Should I?

Amy in the US

Registered User
Margi, sorry to hear about your mum, it must be awful for you. I'm right there with you in hating this awful, terrible, rotten disease.

Sam, good luck finding that library book!

Hope everyone is warm and safe.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Sorry @Margi29 I was on my way out the door, after trying to cheer Mum up over the blasted missing book, already late for helping out P

Did they scan your Mum to rule out seizure or TIA? Hope it’s not as you fear, with her having further TIA’s, although downturn is not good news either.

So sorry you are needing to spend the night, I know it was on the cards, but had hoped it was in the distant future. That’s got to be so tiring for you both, not to mention disruptive to your families. Have you looked at possible Carer for at least one night a week, funded by your ever loving brother as his contribution:)

If he won’t contribute maybe you couid even it out by your mum paying you both, as your unlikely to be able to continue your work pattern. Don’t forget, you need to sort something out for when you want a break, so getting someone your mum can get used to now, wouId be sensible. Wish I had a better suggestion

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Hi @Amy in the US, the trouble is, Mum was never given the blasted library book, only a charity shop book, so I’ve no chance of finding it. I can see a silly book breaking a 15 year friendship, all because of blooming horrible dementia


Registered User
Evening all,

Yes, I hate this bliddy disease too :mad: It takes away so much, not just memories, from the PWD and their loved ones. I was lucky in that Mum never seemed aware of what she was losing, but it broke my heart to see it :(

I echo the advice to get as much help as you can, as soon as you can, for your own sake if not the PWD. It is hard to see how bright, strong, independent women are ground down by caring.

Sam, I don't envy you having to deal with 2 of them!

The concert last night was very good and I enjoyed our choir gig this morning. I came away from that with tinselly 'extensions' in my hair, they are supposed to last until the hair falls out :D Mum was always very 'butch' - short hair and nails, plain clothing, no make-up, jewellery or perfume - and brought me up in the same way. I longed for girly prettiness but never got it. I am making up for it in spades now! :rolleyes:

I hope everyone is snug and warm. We have had no snow but the temp is supposed to drop to -3C tonight. I doubt we will get snow although I know many people have.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Evening @Slugsta

I can’t believe I’m refereeing between 2 PWD’s, I just want to bang their heads together or throw in the towel. Not helped by uninformed P telling me it’s just 2 old ladies having a spat. No. It’s dementia v Alzheimer’s having a misunderstanding that can’t be explained to either of them

I’ve got an image of you now, with a silver foil wig & it’s made me lol. Thank you. So needed that. Have you found suitable glittery make up to compliment the new look?

We are only at 2*, possibly dropping to 1* later, but with rain tomorrow. It wouid have to be rain tomorrow wouldn’t it, I suggested to Mum we go to town for coffee & cake to cheer her up. Not sure I’ll get her out the door if it’s cold & wet

Sam Luvit

Registered User
I do like to push myself

I fancied pudding, something sweet, simething naughty, so on top of cooking the Han & veg bake, I’ve added a dark chocolate mouse. Hopefully it’s setting nicely in the fridge as the ham finishes off in the oven

Sam Luvit

Registered User
We’ve ended on a high :). Mums gone off to bed with a smile after a few laughs. :-D

I’d made her hot chocolate, with a tot of Baileys, to help her sleep & we were chatting about nothing, when she suddenly said ...

“I wish you’d get yourself a toy boy off the internet”

So, is the Amazon, do I bid on eBay or place an Ad on Gumtree????
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Amy in the US

Registered User
Sam, I don't know where you buy one of those! Let us know, though, okay?

Slugsta, a lady in my exercise class today had faintly sparking hair and when I asked her about it, she said it was like an extension, but made of silk, and washable and so on. It was really very pretty and festive, without being too much, so if that is what you have, I'm sure it's lovely.

Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oy @Amy in the US, you’ve got an OH, don’t be greedy

If I find a nice easy way to go from struggling single Carer to adored loved up female ... you really think I’m gonna share. Rock on

A girl can dream, right


Registered User
Since coming home mum is relentless in phone calls :( I've been to see her, taken her shopping etc... now it's Saturday morning and feel shattered ( up to 6 phone calls in 30 minutes)

It's awful, am I the only one who thinks STOP RINGING ??
But I also know the day mum stops ringing I will be desperate to hear her voice :eek:

Hi all, I'm playing catch-up on this thread (and forum!) and got to this post....YES. Yes I just want the phone calls to STOP. My father can phone me between 3 and 20 (sometimes more!) times a day. I often let it go to answerphone. I have to. I seriously cannot cope. He phones ME. Not my sister, nor my brother, nor ANYONE else ...just ME. He tells me he can't get hold of my siblings, but I know that he's not phoning them cos he keeps losing the paper that has their numbers on it.


Registered User
Hi all, I'm playing catch-up on this thread (and forum!) and got to this post....YES. Yes I just want the phone calls to STOP. My father can phone me between 3 and 20 (sometimes more!) times a day. I often let it go to answerphone. I have to. I seriously cannot cope. He phones ME. Not my sister, nor my brother, nor ANYONE else ...just ME. He tells me he can't get hold of my siblings, but I know that he's not phoning them cos he keeps losing the paper that has their numbers on it.
As a suggestion, if possible can you get phone numbers printed on large piece of paper, then have them laminated ?? I've had to get a few of these, mum has lost quite a few.

Ps the calls are worse from about 4 in afternoon


Registered User
We’ve ended on a high :). Mums gone off to bed with a smile after a few laughs. :-D

I’d made her hot chocolate, with a tot of Baileys, to help her sleep & we were chatting about nothing, when she suddenly said ...

“I wish you’d get yourself a toy boy off the internet”

So, is the Amazon, do I bid on eBay or place an Ad on Gumtree????
Thought of the day :D
Cut the middle man out and employ a toy boy cleaner :eek:


Registered User
Evening @Slugsta

I can’t believe I’m refereeing between 2 PWD’s, I just want to bang their heads together or throw in the towel. Not helped by uninformed P telling me it’s just 2 old ladies having a spat. No. It’s dementia v Alzheimer’s having a misunderstanding that can’t be explained to either of them

I’ve got an image of you now, with a silver foil wig & it’s made me lol. Thank you. So needed that. Have you found suitable glittery make up to compliment the new look?

We are only at 2*, possibly dropping to 1* later, but with rain tomorrow. It wouid have to be rain tomorrow wouldn’t it, I suggested to Mum we go to town for coffee & cake to cheer her up. Not sure I’ll get her out the door if it’s cold & wet
Wow I just don't know what to say about 2 PWD having a spat !!


Registered User
Went to mums last night, had bought mum her third tree on a row, she had rang me and said ' I'm really sorry but this tree is broke '
No tree is fine, but Xmas lights have been cut off at the plug !!
Also found hand mixer wire and plug in drawer, so one hand mixer now no good to man or beast.

Tomorrow is another day


Registered User
Went to mums last night, had bought mum her third tree on a row, she had rang me and said ' I'm really sorry but this tree is broke '
No tree is fine, but Xmas lights have been cut off at the plug !!
Also found hand mixer wire and plug in drawer, so one hand mixer now no good to man or beast.

Tomorrow is another day

Margi that must be so frustrating and getting pretty expensive. I was wondering do you think battery operated lights would be better, especially if you hid the battery pack within the branches out if sight? Some battery ones work on a timer don't they so they'd automatically work every day without any intervention and no lead going up to a socket to attract attention. It might be a daft idea on my part, but the only one I can come up with.

My other thought is that I'd think about spiriting all the scissors out of the flat before something else loses its lead like the TV for example, or do think she's using a knife? Could you say you've taken them (be it knives or scissors) to be sharpend as you've heard of this great little place then with Christmas coming find that they are really busy so it'll be a little while before they come back.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Hi @Margi29 so sorry you have more random stuff going on. @Lavender45 ’s suggestion is good. You can get a string of lights at £land, battery operated & the tiny power pack hides in the tree. They are not very long, so you’d need a few, but it’s cheaper than a regular set every few days. I’d definitely get the scissors & sharp knives out the flat. You don’t want the risk of her trying to cut a plug off while it’s in the socket :eek:

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Some eejit has mixed up the weather. We were being sent rain, ok I moaned about that, but seriously, they sent us snow instead :rolleyes: Who’s running this weather show? I want a new director :cool: