Can’t stop crying


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
My daughter suggested I get a cleaner I find it hard being so immobile I was always very busy & capable this getting old is tough Must have been very hard for you being so young when he was diagnosed Yes I don’t want to burden my children That’s why im so glad I found this forum I can get things off my chest & share with people who understand I’m only at the beginning of this journey & I’m already worn out I sometimes think a good cry can help Thanks for your reply it helps knowing I’m not alone xx
dont be proud. i contacted age uk who gave me a list of cleaners[help at home] and gardeners. also what you should be asking them.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
dont be proud. i contacted age uk who gave me a list of cleaners[help at home] and gardeners. also what you should be asking them.
Thank you x
Hello @Bevhar

You ask for help to make you feel more positive. One technique which is proven to work psychologically is to choose 3 things at the end of each day which have given you pleasure / joy or ur greatful for. You may need to think hard when you start…but perhaps seeing a flower, your daughter calling or even this forum! The brain is still plastic and if you do this consistently you will start to look and think more positively

BUT….this is no Replacement and won’t prevent carer breakdown. Please get some hekp. I’m also concerned about you falling. Have you had OT round for you to see where handles, rails may be of assistance? Also have you recently had a carers assessment? I would be wondering how help may be summonsed for you if you hurt yourself. Is your husband still able to call services if needed.

Please speak to your daughter.

much love to you xx
Thank you I will definitely try that I do want to be more positive I’m seeing the doctor on Tuesday to discuss my mobility & other things I really appreciate your kind words & support Can I ask who you’ve been a carer for & how you managed to cope xxx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
I feel for you as my husband also has Alzhimers for the last 5 years. I got to the stage you are at and he went into a care home for a month and I recovered and stopped crying. I missed him so much I brought him home after a month. That was end of february but now he is driving me crazy with constant tuneless whistling. I can't escape bcause he does crazy things if he is on his own. One time I was so tired I went to sleep on the bed and when I woke he had set the bed on fire with me in it. fortunately I wasn't burnt and I managde to put the flames out- He also forgets where the bathroom is and pees on the furniture. I daren't take him out anymore as he is likely to drop his trousers and poop on the floor! I am lucky I have some wonderful friends who are coming to stay for 3 weeks and will help me to give me a break. Do you have anyone who could help just to give you a break' I feel as though my old age has been stolen from me and I look twenty years older than five years ago- Don't be afraid to ask for help. You deserve it.
I’m so sorry that’s so frightening for you Do you have any family nearby I’m an only child so no siblings to turn to I have got a wonderful sister in law I’m so pleased you have such good friends to help you That’s the thing I know how much I would miss my husband In March of this year he fainted & knocked himself out I vowed that if he recovered I would cope with his forgetfulness & being muddled i still love him so much I think my mobility problems are what are making me unable to cope I hope you manage to have a more peaceful time when your friends visit xx


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I cared for my parents @Bevhar. Notably mum who had dementia. From 2019-2021 at a distance early stage, and from then at home with me, until the last 6 months in a nursing home where I pretty much provided one to one care each evening. She died 3 weeks ago.
I found it hard when I was sleep deprived and when there were difficulties with POA. But I am fairly young, fit and healthy. I have also worked in mental health for 20 years so have accumulated a ‘tool kit’ of coping strategies,

Once someone with dementia gets To a certain stage I think it’s impossible for one person to care without breaking down - however fit or capable they are. The needs become so great that a team who have breaks, annual leave etc are needed. Carers rarely get any of those.
Dont feel guilty for struggling.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
@Bevhar so sorry. Wish I could pick you up and hug you. At least you know it's the dementia not him, but it still hurts so terribly inside. Last Summer I found a freezer full of rotting food in the garage. Several hundred pounds worth. OH had kept unplugging it to put tools in the socket and often just left it. We'd emptied the freezer at the end of Lockdown, but while I was at work he'd kept moving specialities from kitchen to garage ready for Christmas. Then forgotten. I'd noticed things wre missing but he told me he must have eaten them. I spent a horrible few days unwrapping and dumping things in the food waste. We could not afford it as I was redundant with no pension at the time.
I still resent the waste and the trauma and the dementia.
Please tell your daughters what happened, if only to let off steam. They'll have some perspectives on this too. Let them love YOU and look after you too.
Ahh thank you I would love a hug I find it hard to talk to my oldest daughter as she’s a single mother with 8 year old twins & works full time I’m seeing the doctor on Tues I know I need help especially getting my arthritis treated I have had 1 knee replacement but my other knee & hip are both awful I won’t be able to have them done as I would struggle to
Take care of my husband I’m hoping I maybe able to have steroid injections xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
@Bevhar , I'm sorry your finding things so tough at the moment. Please consider a day care centre.

My OH and I go to cafes and dementia clubs but I needed some time to do normal things. Even being able to whizz around Aldi is lovely ,without pulling a trolley as he tries to push and then freezes when he spots someone yards away🤣

I'm fit and healthy,70 soon ,and OH is 78 . I need that day care day. . I also have a handyman who does my garden ,two hours a fortnight and it's nice not having to try and fit that in amongst all the other things. When we go in the garden I can relax without feeling I should be working in it.

I did used to suffer with fibromyalgia but since I went gluten free the flare ups have stopped and I've been pain free for several years but I remember how debilitating pain is.

Get some help, it makes such a difference. My OH day care is £35 a day plus £6 for two course lunch. I use his attendance allowance to pay for it🙂

Hope your pain settles and you feel more able to cope. Xx
We go to groups but it’s tough as I used to work as a volunteer for a homeless charity 3 mornings a week this really helped me mentally now I don’t feel I can leave my husband too long He was still working up Until March of this year I just want to feel more positive but it’s so hard at times Thank you as always for your advice xxx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I’ve just had a steroid injection in my knee @Bevhar and it`s been super. I was pain free for a few days which seemed miraculous but now I get an odd twinge which is disappointing but acceptable.

I won’t have a knee replacement because I would still have arthritis in my hips and feet and can’t see the benefits.

I’ve been told there is a gel which can be injected and I’ll be seeking advice about that in time.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
I’ve just had a steroid injection in my knee @Bevhar and it`s been super. I was pain free for a few days which seemed miraculous but now I get an odd twinge which is disappointing but acceptable.

I won’t have a knee replacement because I would still have arthritis in my hips and feet and can’t see the benefits.

I’ve been told there is a gel which can be injected and I’ll be seeking advice about that in time.
That’s interesting I’ve had a knee replacement which was successful but I’ve got arthritis in my right knee & hip & the X-ray on my broken hand show a lot of arthritis I’m hoping they can help me as even if I could get another knee & hip replacement it wouldn’t to practical now with my husband’s diagnosis I will have to ask the doctor about the gel I’m feeling a lot calmer husband asleep & im cuddled up with my little dog Ruby This forum is so amazing I’m so glad I found it Hope your having a nice weekend xx


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Bevhar , I know you feel that having surgery for your knee and hip is no longer practical but I really feel you should have the surgery if the opportunity arises. . Your husband can go into respite while you recover. Not having the surgery will make it increasingly difficult for you to care for him and he'll end up in care anyway. As his carer you owe it to both of you to look after yourself as well.

I know how hard it is to use respite , as you know my OH is going while I go to a family wedding 500+ miles away but I've made peace with my decision now and he'll go in and I'll go away 🤣
Acceptance is my mantra.. accept what you can't change, change what you can. Xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
I hope you get some rest tonight @Bevhar.
Thank you I’m trying Sprayed my pillow with lavender xx
@Bevhar , I know you feel that having surgery for your knee and hip is no longer practical but I really feel you should have the surgery if the opportunity arises. . Your husband can go into respite while you recover. Not having the surgery will make it increasingly difficult for you to care for him and he'll end up in care anyway. As his carer you owe it to both of you to look after yourself as well.

I know how hard it is to use respite , as you know my OH is going while I go to a family wedding 500+ miles away but I've made peace with my decision now and he'll go in and I'll go away 🤣
Acceptance is my mantra.. accept what you can't change, change what you can. Xx
Ahh Maggie I’m glad your going to the wedding to be honest I don’t think I will be able to get it done for another couple of years at best Thanks for that mantra I think acceptance is what I’m struggling with But I know the only choice i have is to accept what’s happening you come over as such a calm rational person I need to take a leaf out of your book xx


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Ahh thank you I would love a hug I find it hard to talk to my oldest daughter as she’s a single mother with 8 year old twins & works full time I’m seeing the doctor on Tues I know I need help especially getting my arthritis treated I have had 1 knee replacement but my other knee & hip are both awful I won’t be able to have them done as I would struggle to
Take care of my husband I’m hoping I maybe able to have steroid injections xx
You must take care of yourself first so you can continue to do what you want to do for your family x


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
@Bevhar , I know you feel that having surgery for your knee and hip is no longer practical but I really feel you should have the surgery if the opportunity arises. . Your husband can go into respite while you recover. Not having the surgery will make it increasingly difficult for you to care for him and he'll end up in care anyway. As his carer you owe it to both of you to look after yourself as well.

I know how hard it is to use respite , as you know my OH is going while I go to a family wedding 500+ miles away but I've made peace with my decision now and he'll go in and I'll go away 🤣
Acceptance is my mantra.. accept what you can't change, change what you can. Xx
Hear hear


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Bevhar .it's early days in your husband's diagnosis. Acceptance takes time. It will come.

Calm? Well I'm more calm now than I was until acceptance.

Acceptance made me calmer ,it has also made me realise that if I'm was going to get through the caring that I needed to accept.

I read so many posts where people had regrets and I didn't want to live with regret. I decided to ensure that all my major decisions had to be carefully weighed up and be rational so that I was sure they were in our best interest and gave no room for regret. It's why respite has been such turmoil for me ,but I'm now at peace with my decision.

Gyles Brandreth has just said on the TV " happy people don't resist change" How right he is!
Accept the change and be happy 🙂 Xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
@Bevhar .it's early days in your husband's diagnosis. Acceptance takes time. It will come.

Calm? Well I'm more calm now than I was until acceptance.

Acceptance made me calmer ,it has also made me realise that if I'm was going to get through the caring that I needed to accept.

I read so many posts where people had regrets and I didn't want to live with regret. I decided to ensure that all my major decisions had to be carefully weighed up and be rational so that I was sure they were in our best interest and gave no room for regret. It's why respite has been such turmoil for me ,but I'm now at peace with my decision.

Gyles Brandreth has just said on the TV " happy people don't resist change" How right he is!
Accept the change and be happy 🙂 Xx
Thank you Feeling calmer today Our youngest daughter & little boy are visiting today She lives in Cardiff about 2 hours drive from us She stayed with my older daughter & twins last night & on her way now to us Yes I don’t want to live with regret Acceptance is the only way I will cope Things were going well before my fall I wish I had your wisdom xx


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Bevhar enjoy your day with your daughter and grandson. Nothing like grandchildren to brighten a day😊

If it stays dry we are going to the local park to listen to a brass band on the bandstand

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Falls have always been referred to as `can be serious` and I didn't realise just how until I fell and was out of action for three months.

At the time I was repeatedly relieved my caring days were over because I was unable to care for myself without help.

It is your fall which has increased your caring problems @Bevhar and I hope you heal well.

Have a lovely relaxing day with your daughter and grandson


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I feel for you as my husband also has Alzhimers for the last 5 years. I got to the stage you are at and he went into a care home for a month and I recovered and stopped crying. I missed him so much I brought him home after a month. That was end of february but now he is driving me crazy with constant tuneless whistling. I can't escape bcause he does crazy things if he is on his own. One time I was so tired I went to sleep on the bed and when I woke he had set the bed on fire with me in it. fortunately I wasn't burnt and I managde to put the flames out- He also forgets where the bathroom is and pees on the furniture. I daren't take him out anymore as he is likely to drop his trousers and poop on the floor! I am lucky I have some wonderful friends who are coming to stay for 3 weeks and will help me to give me a break. Do you have anyone who could help just to give you a break' I feel as though my old age has been stolen from me and I look twenty years older than five years ago- Don't be afraid to ask for help. You deserve it.
Hello @Signora C and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your husband and his behaviour, this must be so difficult for you. It is good that you have friends who are willing to give you a break but it sounds as if you could need help on a regular basis. If you have not already done so please contact your local adult social services to arrange a needs assessment for your husband and a carers assessment for yourself.

You might also find it useful to start your own thread in the I have a partner with dementia area of the forum.



Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
That’s interesting I’ve had a knee replacement which was successful but I’ve got arthritis in my right knee & hip & the X-ray on my broken hand show a lot of arthritis I’m hoping they can help me as even if I could get another knee & hip replacement it wouldn’t to practical now with my husband’s diagnosis I will have to ask the doctor about the gel I’m feeling a lot calmer husband asleep & im cuddled up with my little dog Ruby This forum is so amazing I’m so glad I found it Hope your having a nice weekend xx
Hi @Bevhar
I empathise with your pain and difficulty with your arthritis. And you know, putting off treatment won't help in the long run, as the arthritis just gets worse. I hope yours is progressing slowly.

I have replacement R knee back in 2016. This was after a long period of putting it off and off, until I got to the stage where my knee hurt all the time, including not being able to get comfortable lying down and thus lack of sleep. Having had it done, I wished I'd got it done much earlier and saved me all that agony.
Now, eight years on I need my L knee replacing. I've decided I'm not going to wait until I experience the agony and lack of sleep I did last time, although tbh v nearly there already!
I've been on the waiting list a long long time and if its not cancelled I'm due to see the orthopaedic surgeon later this month. As full time home carer for my OH for 7 years now - I've asked my daughter (who lives about 250 miles away, has work, has family, dogs, a full life of her own, etc) to come and stay for when I'm in hospital (last knee op I went in on a Tues and come out on the Fri) and for a week afterwards (will probably need help putting on and taking off the full leg length compression stocking). As soon as I can get back a proper bend in my knee, I'm told, I'll be able to drive as this is the L knee and my car is an automatic.

If you are having difficulty looking after your OH because of your arthritis in your knee then I suggest you get on the list soonest. You have a life and need good health and mobility for your own good apart from caring for OH. When it comes to it, you'll either have arrange for someone else to take on the caring role, or OH will have to go into respite care whilst you recover. Don't put things off, when that'll make you more miserable. There must a solution that puts you first for a while! As they say "because you're worth it!"

Best wishes and a hug.