Be strong!


New member
Jan 15, 2024
My mum has had dementia for 15 years and has been in a care home for 13 of them. Recently her care home announced they are closing down and then the nightmare began :( Apart from the lack of care leading to safeguarding investigations I am trying to cope with we also have been allocated a social worker who refuses to give any contact details to contact her ( I have to wait until she deigns to call me from a withheld number, refuses to put any of our telephone conversations in writing and email them to me for my record and because I don't have a POA told me I had no legal right to have any input into any decision about which new care home mum is allocated because she is local authority funded and the bottom line is they will decide based on the cheapest available care home, regardless of distance from relatives. Reading some of the comments on here I feel like people think should be scared and bow to these people and their decisions even if you are not happy with them BUT I was advised to read up on the Courts of Protection and with proper timing if he/she isn't taking your thoughts into account tell the social worker that you seem to have reached an impass and you will just need to turn it over the the Court of Protection. The Court of Protection does not cost you or your relative and will give you a fair hearing.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Write to the head of the council and your MP. Social workers shouldn’t act like this. Many don’t - in fact I hope the majority don‘t.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this.