Carers Allowance suspeded while under investigation, no reason given


Registered User
Jan 24, 2024
Very worrying as googling this situation tells me there is very little I can do about this while under investigation and they don't have to tell me why , investigating which can take weeks, months or years.
Will try cab 2 morrow but difficult to get past hold, also try GMB union free legal advice line, never cancelled my membership even though had to stop work 18 months ago.
Seems an unbelievable situation that they can do this with no explanation 'whilst they investigate' god knows what, they got my NI number and I will happily send bank statements if they want, but they asked for no information?
Hi I was told by somebody at my local CAB reception a couple of weeks ago that it's quicker to e mail them to get a response from them than ringing their number which I believe is a national hub number,I assume they then call back so an appointment can be arranged I would advise trying that.Good luck anyway,