Another newbie


New member
Nov 2, 2023
Hi all,

Another "newbie" for a service that I didn't know existed until a recent signposting from my office's internal forum. Single man in his mid-60's caring for (but not living with) 85 year old mum who has been diagnosed with Alzheimers by the Memory Clinic but no treatment started as priority being given to meds for heart failure via GP.

Carers in place for 3x 30 min slots per day but have had issues with carers turning up far in advance or far behind booked times and the company sending single male carers for night-time meds and "personal care" checks despite my mum resenting them coming and my interventions. Mostly sorted now but I have to keep checking to be sure - so not getting the rest and "me-time" that I should (I work full-time also)

Looking forward to the sharing of experiences and help/advice being shared/received.

Thank you


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @SMGAblie and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a lot of shared experience of dementia to be found here so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read of your Mum's Alzheimer's diagnosis.
Caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease can take over one's life and is extremely challenging for sure. . Now you have found us I know that you'll benefit by being able to share with others, join in conversations, ask questions or let off steam. You'll find empathy, true understanding, and helpful suggestions.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @SMGAblie.

I’m sorry to read about your mum.

I’m so glad you were signposted here. You’ll find lots ogf understanding and support. There’s always someone her to listen.