Annual GP Dementia Reviews


New member
Oct 27, 2023
Hello, is anyone else finding that their GP practice does not do annual reviews with GPs , patients and carers any longer.
Having phoned to make an appointment for my wife for a dementia review I got passed to the practice manager who told me "the landscape of medical care is changing and that the review is now done by OTs".
I think that for ongoing medical needs it will be important to maintain face to face contact with a doctor, not that Occupational Therapists don't have specialisms and do a good job.
The importance of face to face contact will become increasingly important if a person living with dementia needs Continuing care and the support of a GP practice. The weight of doctor's comments may hold significantly more weight.
I would be interested to know how others think about this


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
My husband has just had an annual dementia review. I didn't know anything about them as never had one before. I was told it was one of the partners at the practice that did them and was told by him that although not enforced they are being encouraged to do them.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
@HughMa Didn't even know they did a review and if they are now done by an OT, they'll be no chance as we've never even seen once since OH was diagnosed.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
My mum never had an annual review by anyone, OT or otherwise.

If it had happened I think an OT would be a good person to do the review as they probably have more idea about what could help than a GP. But I do wonder how many people with dementia really do get a review


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
My mum never had an annual review by anyone, OT or otherwise.

If it had happened I think an OT would be a good person to do the review as they probably have more idea about what could help than a GP. But I do wonder how many people with dementia really do get a review
I never even got OT reviews after my OH's stroke 10 years ago and he was left partly paralysed so don't hold out much hope for any dementia reviews. In fact she ordered a thing you could use in kitchen to peel potatoes etc. but never did come back to show him how to use it. It's still in box somewhere. He wouldn't have used it anyway as never did any cooking anyway.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @HughMa and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. I was surprised to hear that there are annual reviews of dementia. My wife's been in a care home over 4 years and we have 6 monthly reviews of her care plan. For 4 years before that her GP showed little interest in my wife's memory and behaviour issues and none at all once her Alzheimer's Disease was diagnosed. There was never any suggestion of an annual review.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @HughMa and welcome from me too.
I am really surprised at the notion of an annual dementia reviews. My dear Mum had an eight year journey with Alzheimer's disease, and she certainly was never offered, nor had, any such review. Following diagnosis, we were just left to fathom our own way.


Registered User
May 5, 2019
I have had one every year since diagnosis with the senior GP partner. Have just changed practices since moving house, so we shall see if this continues


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Just a question, living in Australia where our system is different to UK.

How does anyone get their medications over a long period of time without seeing a doctor (GP, consultant)?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
How does anyone get their medications over a long period of time without seeing a doctor (GP, consultant)?
I get ERDs with an annual review, blood tests and phone chat.
I collect monthly from my nominated local pharmacy, I also have the option of nominating a national chain and having them sent by post for free.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
my doctors does annual review of conditions. they didnt spend hardly any time on my husbands dementia. more his COPD and diabetes. they can do a meds review over the phone with me.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
my doctors does annual review of conditions. they didnt spend hardly any time on my husbands dementia. more his COPD and diabetes. they can do a meds review over the phone with me.
We were able to do phone consults over the phone during COVID but not anymore. Our govt. is hellbent on stopping doctor shopping for meds that we now have to see a doctor to get a script. And that seems a waste of a doctor’s time if that’s all you need.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
I love that phrase ‘the landscape of medical care is changing’ 😹😹😹
The chances of seeing or even speaking to a GP about anything are close to zero now at our GP practice. They are keen to advise call 111 or go to A&E for almost everything


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mums gp couldn’t even remember she had dementia when she went for appointments for other things. They kept calling an ambulance for her because they though she had had a stroke!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
On the other hand my own GP is really good, getting appointments has never been a struggle and they prefer face to face not phone calls. Mum is now in residential care and her new GP is also very attentive and they made sure to let us know that we can speak with them about any concerns. It does seem such a lottery.