Always one thing more


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
And the one thing more is that my husband now has COVID. He had a bit of a sore throat last night and started sneezing and coughing so did a test which came up positive. Mine is still negative.

In the last few weeks, he has had several falls which has resulted in a variety of injuries, cellulitis, and now COVID.
The injuries from the falls required pain management which was Tramadol and that seriously messed up his warfarin, putting him at great risk of having a bleed.

He has been put on to antivirals so I hope that reduces the severity of the COVID.

Just to top things off, the pup had kennel cough (mild because he has been vaccinated) and the old dog has had surgery for her mouth and now has a respiratory virus and is quite likely to have dementia. The pup just had his first day back at the dog park which was very exciting for him and all his friends were there.

Back to the masks and foggy glasses again.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Sorry to hear about the Covid and the falls and the dogs @Lawson58, you seem to have a lot to deal with at the moment - hope your volunteering sessions continue to reinvigorate you.

I volunteer at the local hospital, we've gone back to wearing masks while there as there is quite a lot of Covid around right now.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry to hear that @Lawson58. What a lot you have on your plate. I hope your husband’s symptoms are mild and you manage to avoid getting it.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I’m so sorry to hear that @Lawson58. What a lot you have on your plate. I hope your husband’s symptoms are mild and you manage to avoid getting it.
Thank you. He doesn’t seem too bad for the moment. I think his biggest complaint is that he can’t go to the bridge club. The bonus is that he is keeping his distance and not being too difficult.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Sorry to hear about the Covid and the falls and the dogs @Lawson58, you seem to have a lot to deal with at the moment - hope your volunteering sessions continue to reinvigorate you.

I volunteer at the local hospital, we've gone back to wearing masks while there as there is quite a lot of Covid around right now.
There’s been some chatter about masks here too and I think there are quite a few cases in nursing homes.

I love my volunteering and have been with my group for about eleven years now. They are mostly active oldies and we support each other in all sorts of ways, mostly lots of dark humour. We have all been around long enough to be very non judgmental.

I hope you stay well.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
There’s been some chatter about masks here too and I think there are quite a few cases in nursing homes.

I love my volunteering and have been with my group for about eleven years now. They are mostly active oldies and we support each other in all sorts of ways, mostly lots of dark humour. We have all been around long enough to be very non judgmental.

I hope you stay well.
Thank you, you too. 100% agree about the volunteering, our group have been together for twenty years - I'm the "baby" at 73! The friendship is worth everything.


New member
Nov 22, 2023
My mom had dementia and my friend and I cared for her. She rented a room at my friend’s house and she had round the clock care because she had a broken back, a bad heart, survived cancer, prone to bed sores and dementia. I was the only one who could shower her. She could barely stand. She was scared of going out. But I got her into chair yoga and pottery and weekly trips to the planetarium and movies. I always forced her kicking and screaming into everything! After a while she enjoyed these things and found pride in living again. The day before she lost consciousness forever, we did chair yoga together and threw eachother kisses. I was silly with her. We went to the restaurant and saw a movie she couldn’t understand “women talking” but she just enjoyed sitting in the dark with my arm around her watching a big screen. It took a long time for her to enjoy these things. My friends thought I was bad to force her out. But in the end it became her new normal and she enjoyed it because I was there to tell her it was alright. Every day I had to fight for my mom’s mind. The same way that I tried to get my terrified one year old to try new things. Her Dementia and her death taught me patience I thought I had never had, taught me a selflessness I could never imagine. Many times I wanted to scream. But so often, watching her smile over a glass of wine, or laying beside her and looking up at the stars that I projected on her ceiling. playing her favorite movie as she died in my arms. I have never grown so much in my life. She gave me the honor of learning to find the peace in bathing her, calming her, making her feel at home. It takes a village. I could not have done it alone. It was a gift to my teenage son to help his grandma. As hard and awful as it is, and everything it seems to take away made me realize that this was an opportunity to show how love wins. At the end for two and a half weeks I laid beside her in her bed and we communicated by her squeezing my hand. There was nothing harder than that and my son was able to witness the power of love, the beauty of care, the love in grief, the healing of compassion. It is grueling and magnificent, like bearing a child. In her Dementia I was able to meet a new person, she was still my mom, just very scared. And I was able to meet this new person snd fall in love with her again, my sweet little mommy. I would say, fight for your loved one’s mind, what interests them? Get out there if you can. It’s Scarey. But if you feel like you can do it, stimulating their mind, even a drive playing their favorite music and singing along! Sometimes, I think she made the choice of dementia before we were born, so she could give me the gift of fighting through it to find her again.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
OH had a very bad night, coughing a lot. He woke up the pup who then thought he had heard something suspicious and started barking and wouldn’t stop. The pup is exhausted after his bad night and has his head and front paws on my lap, sound asleep. I am tired too but OH says he is feeling a little better. Hmmmmm!

Just out of his shower this morning and he tells me that he is going to play bridge online this afternoon. So I exploded and had a lot to say and he has now changed his mind. These are the sort of things that drive me nuts and get me so frustrated. I know he misses his bridge.

I am still negative.

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
Wow, @Lawson58 , well done on the COVID avoidance front. Perhaps you’re one of these super immune people. I thought I might be in that category, having not succumbed at all until this year, but obviously I wasn’t! Hope your OH is settling down and the dogs are getting better. The puppy will be enjoying getting back to the dog park !


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Wow, @Lawson58 , well done on the COVID avoidance front. Perhaps you’re one of these super immune people. I thought I might be in that category, having not succumbed at all until this year, but obviously I wasn’t! Hope your OH is settling down and the dogs are getting better. The puppy will be enjoying getting back to the dog park !
I hope I can stay negative. I can’t imagine the chaos if I got sick.

The pup is having a fabulous time at the park. And I can keep my distance from others and still have a chat and laugh at the dogs.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Of course it was too good to last! Tested positive this morning. I had a bit of a bad night, feeling hot and cold and woke up looking like a lobster. Or like those dolls that have overpainted bright red cheeks.

I will have to ask my granddaughter to walk the pup. If he doesn’t get enough exercise he can be quite ratty.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh no - I have missed all this. So sorry 😢😢
I’m sure your granddaughter will like going out with the pup….maybe she can be persuaded to leave u a meal or two as well xx


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
My granddaughter is picking up my antivirals on the way home from work, bless her.

At least our GP is on duty over the weekend and he insisted that I ring him if either OH or I have some concerns.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
Hope you feel much better soon Fellow Aussie. The antivirals should help - and good to know the GP is only a phone call away.