All clothing feels wet

Haggis one

New member
Sep 17, 2023
My mother has Alzheimer’s and she is always wanting fresh clothing because everything she is wearing feels wet or damp. It’s not, everything is bone dry. It’s frustrating for my father as he’s is woken in the night because mum is out of bed and stripping off because she says everything is wet. It happens mostly in the middle of the night and dad being 88 and her primary carer is exhausted. Any ideas on how to get around this issue would be gratefully received.


Registered User
Sep 1, 2021
My mother has Alzheimer’s and she is always wanting fresh clothing because everything she is wearing feels wet or damp. It’s not, everything is bone dry. It’s frustrating for my father as he’s is woken in the night because mum is out of bed and stripping off because she says everything is wet. It happens mostly in the middle of the night and dad being 88 and her primary carer is exhausted. Any ideas on how to get around this issue would be gratefully received.
My husband had this. I hadn’t heard of anyone else apart from you mention this problem. It doesn’t seem much to anybody else but at times was a massive problem. I couldn’t convince him that things were not damp or wet. I used to have to hang dry clothes outside supposedly to let them dry or put them on the radiators.

I am sorry apart from pretending to dry the clothes I don’t have an answer. I just wanted to let you know that it happened to my husband as well.

Haggis one

New member
Sep 17, 2023
My husband had this. I hadn’t heard of anyone else apart from you mention this problem. It doesn’t seem much to anybody else but at times was a massive problem. I couldn’t convince him that things were not damp or wet. I used to have to hang dry clothes outside supposedly to let them dry or put them on the radiators.

I am sorry apart from pretending to dry the clothes I don’t have an answer. I just wanted to let you know that it happened to my husband as well.
Thank you duchess55

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Could this possibly be a perspiration problem? Might your husband @Haggis one and your mother @duchess55 be too warm?

When I was incapacitated recently and sitting most of the time I did feel a level of discomfort.

Haggis one

New member
Sep 17, 2023
That’s what I’m thinking. So I tried her with less clothing in bed and she’s slept through the night. Might not work tomorrow but hey ho we’ve had one night so that’s a positive.


Registered User
Sep 1, 2021
My husband had it in the day as well. Definitely not perspiration. It was anything from socks, pants to t shirts and they were bone dry but I had to pretend they were damp as he was like a dog with a bone insisting they were damp.