Advice please

enjoy life

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Hello, my lovely mum is sadly in the latter stages of Alzhimers, only 73 and my amazing dad has been her full time carer for many years, she is basically a baby in an adult's body. Devastatingly his cancer has returned. My sister and I live in the same town but 2 hours from my parents, thankfully we have space to build a granny annex onto the side of our home but with its own front door and with access from our home so that I can care for them but saving my dad's sanity of a mad house with 2 teenagers, I have an amazing husband who is fully supportive of them moving in with us/annex. Does any one know if there is a way of getting planning speeded up etc. We are an end property and the annex will be one story and will not effect our neighbours as we don't have any on that side. Any advice on funding or anything would be appreciated, I just need to get them with us ASAP so that I can help them, many thanks


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Bless you for trying, but be also aware that you probably need a plan B in case they are too unwell to make the move once the builders have left

Do carers go in to support your dad in their own home already? Could mum go to a day care facility to give dad a rest?

These may be support systems you can put in place sooner.

I know this isn’t what you asked. We have had several large building projects completed. The time scale was never as I hoped or was promised

I think this caring for folks would be easier if we all had a crystal ball. I want to know how long we have with mum , when the next loss of skills and decline is coming and when it is and isn’t safe to nip away for a quick holiday.

Anyone know of such a thing?

I truly wish you well

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @enjoy life

I`m afraid I have to agree with @SherwoodSue although I dearly wish otherwise.

You have such good intentions but even though I have no experience of planning permission and building extensions I`ve heard how long and drawn out they can be and wonder if your parents will have the strength to live as they are until the annexe is completed.

It sounds as if your parents are younger than the average resident in a care home which will be one of the issues blocking consideration of that as a solution.

They really will need 24/7 care in time and it looks as if painful decisions may have to be made.