Advice please


Registered User
Mar 15, 2023
I wondered if anybody would be able to give some advice.
My dad has been in hospital with an infection for almost a month. The staff think that he is almost clear now of infection but are just doing final checks on blood and urine samples. They then have said that they will assess memory as dad has had a few moments of forgetfulness before the infection and we are not sure now what his new "normal" might be.
When the time comes for discharge (I would say this is likely to be in the next few weeks) there will be a meeting with social workers and the rest of the team at hospital plus family. Personally, I have concerns about dad going back home and on his own - even with a maximim care package(if we could even manage to get that at the moment!) . A step down could be suggested , which may be the best idea and I think dad may (?) begin to see the benefits?
My question is this : mum has been in care since last March. She is in EMI residential- only a small number of residents and they have said that they take in general residential as well. Mum is always asking about dad - where is he , I haven't seen him etc etc (I know that some of this is down to her demntia and we usually say he is shopping). I was thinking about how it would be if we tried to get dad in the same home as mum. There would be plenty of positives - they would be together(the last few months have been awful with him being too poorly to go and see her and he always relies on me to take him there anyway as his mobility is poor) . He would be with her every day and after 67 years of marriage that seems the perfect way. However, I can also see that there might be downsides to this : would dad feel out of place there if he is not as advanced with memory loss and wants a decent conversation with someone. Would mum forever be moithering him , as she did at home, and unable to let him out of her sight ? I'm not sure what the best would be and wondered if anyone else had been in this situation


Registered User
Jan 24, 2019
Hi @brightsideoflife, its so difficult isn't it? Knowing the right thing to do, how much upset it will cause for either one of them.

Looking at the positives, how lovely that they can spend their time together. Does it matter if she mothers him?

I understand your concern regarding your dad wanting a decent conversation, but there are the carers and there are often volunteers in and out of the care homes. Also, probably days out that your dad can get involved with.

Whatever you decide I am sure it will be perfect in the end.....there are always a few bumps along the way.

Sending you hugs,


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