A new stage in my life...................

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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I`m so sorry if I`ve mislead anyone.

These comments were made by a relative and a couple of friends, all having no experience of dementia or TP or even loss, who think I can just switch off from what has been my life for 15 years of dementia and eight years of TP.

I only posted to illustrate how ignorant people can be who have not had the experiences those of us on TP have shared.

I have been out all day and was quite shocked at the upset I caused, especially the suggestion the comments might have come from from anyone on TP or the AS.

Please accept my apologies . I will try never to post anything of this nature again without giving a full explanation.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry .Sorry. Sorry. xx

Sorry from me too. A salutary lesson in not jumping to conclusions!


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I've just been thinking that in reality it shows more a lack of understanding of TP than anything else.
My experience of other forums is limited but I don't think all are like TP.
TP is about so much more than finding information about dementia isn't it. Therefore, others are not going to understand.

No need to apologise, Sylvia. Just TP going into overdrive again!!!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Someone once asked me if I wouldn`t be happier having real people as friends. One of the same someones who asked the question which started this ball rolling. :eek:

It was no one on TP nor was it anyone from AS. :D


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
The Sweet North
So sorry for causing you any upset, Sylvia (the last thing I would wish to do.)
I have just finished putting my toys back in my pram..........

(In my defence, I do worry that TP might one day be 'phased out', for reasons of finance. Judging by the response to today's hiccup, I don't think they would dare!)

sleepless x


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
I guessed it was from someone who knew nothing about TP. After my dad died I had a couple of comments from non TP people suggesting that I had an unhealthy obsession with TP (where on earth did they get that idea from?:eek: ;)) and that I should move on from the world of dementia.

I'm happy to say I ignored them, and nearly 4 years later I'm still here, and no plans to go anywhere. Other people do find that they visit less or not at all. It's all down to personal choice.:)


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
The Sweet North
I would just like to add that I have always felt that this is a safe forum, in that there is no bad language, and/or offensive comments.
I hold another forum (for those who have lost loved ones to suicide) in the same respect for these same reasons.
Both are immensely supportive. 'Real' friends are valued, but would they really want to chat or give advice at 2.00 a.m.? Just reading on here in the wee small hours makes me feel less alone, and it's the place to come to with any questions or concerns.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I am always aware that without having experienced life as a carer for someone with dementia, this could have been me. I personally feel that I would have never 'known' sensitivity without the experience of being a carer for someone with dementia. I therefore am reluctant to judge. TP also needs to be experienced rather than explained as the experience would surpass anything one was told.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
After my dad died I had a couple of comments from non TP people suggesting that I had an unhealthy obsession with TP (where on earth did they get that idea from?:eek: ;)) and that I should move on from the world of dementia.

I think that's the attitude of my critics Sue. It makes me defensive and then it makes me cross. Another case of unsolicited advice which I do not need.


Registered User
May 14, 2012
So sorry that a relative was so insensitive with their comment Sylvia. They have no right to comment on what you are doing in your own time and in your own home. Maybe they have no understanding of what TP means to all the its members.

With all the posts today you know how everyone here feels :)

Take care, Carol X


Registered User
Aug 9, 2007

Oops! :eek:

Ignore them all and come to the people who do understand what has happened and have more than an inkling of how you may feel.

Mum died almost 6 years ago now, but I still pop in from time to time to see how my TP friends are doing. I don't have as much time now, for life goes on. However the board was my support and crutch through a period in my life which was tough..and occasionally I can give back, though not as much as I was once able.

Love Mameeskye


Registered User
Oct 17, 2011
I agree with Helen. How can other people possibly understand? Before TP I had no understanding of forums and I was amazed at how helpful and supportive everyone was here.

I think that the reason we are all here is actually due to other people's lack of understanding. Where else would we get the support we need?

I have had similar comments from people both before my husband died and since. On the whole these were people who meant well but who were clueless about dementia, the problems you face and how lonely and isolated you can become when you are a carer. Nor do they understand that it is very difficult to detach yourself from the world of dementia after you have lost someone. How can you after years of caring?

These people are very fortunate.
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