A life in the day of.........................

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Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008

Hope you get chance for a 'nap' today.

once you hear the fear in their voice there is nothing you can do but be there for them,


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Sylvia, I hope you get at least a catnap this afternoon, if you want one. So very sorry about Dhiren, but the only thing I can say is that the wee small hours bring out the worst in most of us. I hope Dhiren is feeling a bit better this afternoon. Love to you both
Deborah xx


Registered User
Aug 23, 2009
kilmarnock ayrshire
Hi Sylvia
you are having such a tough time of it !!
I suppose you tried sleeping tablets for Dhiren?
my nights for the 2 or 3 years had consisted of Sidney waking me every hour on the hour angry or hallucinating.
Over a month ago I asked the doctor for sleeping tablets. he prescribed Zoplicone (7.9 I think)
Now he sleeps from 8 pm till 8am. I have moved back into our bed
and am ready with a jug when he stirs once for a wee. he goes straight back to sleep and I find I cope much better with his day time rages etc knowing that I am going to get my rest and time to myself. I had to wean him off haliperidol two months ago as he couldnt move his legs, drooled and had shaky hands.
this is better. I pretend we will be more cosy up in bed take him up and creep back down 15 mins later. hope it lasts!!
love and best wishes June


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
Sylvia sorry to hear you had another restless night (whats happening to everyone this year so much for happy new year)hope you manage to get a nap today and that Dhiren sleeps tonight.i get so angry with mum sometimes then she says something and it makes you feel so bad and sorry for them love larivy


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Thinking of you Sylvia, as ever..... Sleep deprivation such as you currently experience is also a form of torture (you mention that word in relation to Dhiren). Like the others I just hope you can cat nap today. Dhiren is so used to seeing you at the computer maybe it is a comforting reasuring sight - is it possible you can "pretend" to be on it & put a pillow down & snooze in front of the screen?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I haven`t tried sleeping tablets for Dhiren June. They would defeat the objective of reducing sedation to try to prevent falls.

Dhiren used to sleep for at least 10 hours nightly and I used to thank my lucky stars I was never deprived of sleep.
Then he started falling and I reduced his antipsychotic. When he started to take it I was warned, falling was a side effect. His falls continued so his sedating antidepressant was stopped. There would be no point in starting him with a sleeping tablet as I`m sure it would increase the falls again.

On top of that there is a big deterioration in his language, which is causing even more confusion, and his coordination, which is affecting his mobility.

His dementia seems to be running true to form for Alzheimers. A long slow decline followed by a sudden downslide.
We can`t turn the tide back.

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
Wouldn't that be wonderful if we could as long as we did not have to go through it all over again!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you days and nights will be peaceful Sylvia you are doing extremely well under the difficult circumstances.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
We have a hearth rug. We bought it in India and it`s silk. Dhiren loved it.
It`s a traditional design, a Lozenge design. Similar to this;

But it is curling up at the corners and as Dhiren drags his feet more and more is dangerous.
The OT expressed concern about it but he wasn`t yet ready to let go. During the last couple of days he has seemed wary of treading on it. Tonight he hesitated before walking on it. I said I was worried he`d trip over it and asked if I could move it. He said he had wanted it moved for a long time.
So I rolled it up and took it away.
He said `They won`t be able to see me now.`
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Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
If he likes it, & values its presence, is it small enough to hang on a wall, or over the back of a settee?
Perhaps the chicken looks in through it :cool::eek:, or he would rather 'THEY' couldn't.


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Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
sutton coldfield
dear sylvia, i understand what your saying about the sleeping tabs, but is it possible dhirans mobility could be worse due to his lack of sleep. maybe he could have a mild sedative enough just to keep him in bed a bit longer. i dont no of anything else to help your situation, i wish i could help sylvia i cant imajine how the lack of sleep and dhirans funny episodes of not knowing you must make you feel, but remember how much dhiran loves you the dhiran that loves you is not the dhiran who forgets who you are and wants to go home. that will be dhiran thinking like a child and wanting to be with his mom and dad in his homeland, and he hadnt met you then. sending you my love lyn xxx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2009
sylvia i know how tierd you must be if dhrien has a sleep in the daytime try and nod yourself easyer said than done i know best of luck .i to had to discard my hearth rug harold tripped over it ,his hilousinatoins were often about poeple in the room sometimes it would be a cat and he would feed it but i just went along whith him hope you have a better night milly

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
A second decent night. Dhiren, less sedated has stayed up later and once again has slept through. He stirred in the night but his legs stayed in bed.
But I woke early with a headache.

Last night after a visit to the toilet, I was helping with personal care and he said `Hurry up. Hurry up. I can`t stand.`


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
I'm so glad you got just a little more sleep - not enough by the sound of it - & there you were posting while many of us weren't up....I hope the headache has gone - try to drink extra water today - that may help a little but I expect you've taken something for it now......

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
The headache has gone thank you.

More confusion.
Dhiren was smiling. Why was he smiling? He was thinking I must be very clever because I understand Hindi, Bengali and Gujrati.
I understand none of these languages and am only thankful when speaking English, he thinks he is speaking his mother tongue.
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