2 years today


Registered User
Jul 2, 2006
Newport, Gwent
Its already two years today since my darling mum left me, and I miss her so very much.

I was going to vist the grave, but instead I spent the day going through photographs to relive happier memories which really did help get me through the day.

So much has taken place in the last two years, my son, mums beloved grandson got married last year and become a father himself this year giving me an amazing grandson who I love to bits, mum would have been so very proud of '"my boy".

Night night, God bless mum, you are always in my heart, your loving daughter, Cate xxxxxx

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
Cate, I don’t need to backtrack posts to recall your description of that day two years ago .... it really does seem like five minutes ago ....... your mum would be so proud of everything you have done in the two years since (triumph and adversity and all that).

So pleased you spent the day as you did ... as ever – wise counsel for me .......

Much love to you (and special prayer for mum tonight) , Kaz, x