A Day Off? No Chance!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
We have had some busy days recently and OH was looking very tired yesterday so I suggested we would have at least one, maybe two days off to rest and sleep as much as he needed. He said he thought that would be a good idea. I thought I may even manage a day off if I decided only essential housework is done and everything goes well. I planned a nice, easy (not too much washing up) meal with a bottle of wine followed by a couple of hours watching an Andre Rieu DVD. It sounded like heaven.

OH was sitting in our living room watching the workmen doing roadworks up the road from us. I was getting the running commentary. 'He has just picked up his broom, he is sweeping the path, that bloke is bringing some soil and putting it on the green, that bloke has moved the fencing' etc. I decided I would have a bath before I started dinner. I know this has it's risks but was prepared to take the chance.

As I was in the bath I heard OH go into the downstairs toilet. When I was dressed, I realised I hadn't heard him come out. Oh Oh!! I went to investigate to find a huge mess, OH in tears and the result of his 'cleaning up' (bleach everywhere).

There goes my day off then. Luckily, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, OH was soon bathed and put back into bed. Now there's just dinner to negotiate. Can anything else go wrong?


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
We have had some busy days recently and OH was looking very tired yesterday so I suggested we would have at least one, maybe two days off to rest and sleep as much as he needed. He said he thought that would be a good idea. I thought I may even manage a day off if I decided only essential housework is done and everything goes well. I planned a nice, easy (not too much washing up) meal with a bottle of wine followed by a couple of hours watching an Andre Rieu DVD. It sounded like heaven.

OH was sitting in our living room watching the workmen doing roadworks up the road from us. I was getting the running commentary. 'He has just picked up his broom, he is sweeping the path, that bloke is bringing some soil and putting it on the green, that bloke has moved the fencing' etc. I decided I would have a bath before I started dinner. I know this has it's risks but was prepared to take the chance.

As I was in the bath I heard OH go into the downstairs toilet. When I was dressed, I realised I hadn't heard him come out. Oh Oh!! I went to investigate to find a huge mess, OH in tears and the result of his 'cleaning up' (bleach everywhere).

There goes my day off then. Luckily, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, OH was soon bathed and put back into bed. Now there's just dinner to negotiate. Can anything else go wrong?
Oh dear! It must be one of those days. I got up early as usual leaving OH in bed. Saw an elderly man who had fallen across the road and could not get up. A passerby was helping but said he had got to go to work. Ambulance said they might take 3 hours to reach us. I said it might not take as long as that has been the case when my husband, who has dementia, had fallen a couple of times. Nice man said, oh are you ok to leave him - I said no problem as he always sleeps late. Other people arrived including some first responders who got old chap on his feet and took him to his home around the corner to wait for the ambulance, so I came back into the house only to find my OH in downstairs toilet trying to clean up after a copious accident. Thank heaven for washing machines! And I won’t be doing any gardening or housework today.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
why is it when we have a good day, ..not much washing, we seem to think the next day will be the same....it never is ,O H 's bed is usually wet with sweat...he wraps the duvet round himself, and as I bought 3 light summer duvets for his bed ,so they can go in the washing machine, there's usually a duvet, sheet and matress protector to wash...oh well, tomorrow is aother day..x


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Oh @Silversally and @Rishile ,don't you wish they just left the original accident and told you instead of attempting to clean? My OH attempts just makes it twice as bad. If I hear him off to the toilet I leave what I'm doing and chase up after him, desperate to help before the storm 🙂. Empathy with your situation. X


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
It got worse - I put the soiled trousers and toilet mat in the washing machine, only for the machine to spew out a mass of soap suds all over the floor.

Oh well - maybe I will be able to have a day off tomorrow. What are the chances?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
It got worse - I put the soiled trousers and toilet mat in the washing machine, only for the machine to spew out a mass of soap suds all over the floor.

Oh well - maybe I will be able to have a day off tomorrow. What are the chances?
🤣Mine does that sometimes. Too enthusiastic with the washing liquid .


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
Oh @Silversally and @Rishile ,don't you wish they just left the original accident and told you instead of attempting to clean? My OH attempts just makes it twice as bad. If I hear him off to the toilet I leave what I'm doing and chase up after him, desperate to help before the storm 🙂. Empathy with your situation. X
Yes, it would be better if he didn’t try to help. I have recently got some old tongs which I use to hold the soiled items in the toilet to flush the worst off but find it difficult to get all the stains off completely even at 60 degrees, with vanish stain remover. Any suggestions please?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Yes, it would be better if he didn’t try to help. I have recently got some old tongs which I use to hold the soiled items in the toilet to flush the worst off but find it difficult to get all the stains off completely even at 60 degrees, with vanish stain remover. Any suggestions please?
Mmmm.. not really. My OH underpants are dark coloured so residue staining can't be obviously seen . I usually rinse in toilet and then soak in a bucket of cold water with vanish rubbed on them . I wash on a 40°wash with laundry sanitiser which kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.. not sure this method would make whites look white.. maybe soak in cold water with white vinegar.?


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Can you still get Napisan? I used to soak both of my babies’ nappies in that after first flushing any solids down the toilet.
Then do them in a boil wash. No elastic, of course, which might make a difference.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Can you still get Napisan? I used to soak both of my babies’ nappies in that after first flushing any solids down the toilet.
Then do them in a boil wash. No elastic, of course, which might make a difference.
I used napisan on nappies years ago but regular use will perish the rubber seal on the washing machine. I went through three seals during the time I used napisan and have never had to replace one since!


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Yes, it would be better if he didn’t try to help. I have recently got some old tongs which I use to hold the soiled items in the toilet to flush the worst off but find it difficult to get all the stains off completely even at 60 degrees, with vanish stain remover. Any suggestions please?
A. Avoid temperatures over 30. Stains will set.
B. Nappy bucket with Milton fluid or Napisan. Soak for 24 hours.
B. Wash at 30 or less with a colour collector sheet
C. Put up with pale stains on underclothes, nightwear and bedlinen. They almost disappear with repeated washing. Who's going to look? First wash gets rid of germs.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
A. Avoid temperatures over 30. Stains will set.
B. Nappy bucket with Milton fluid or Napisan. Soak for 24 hours.
B. Wash at 30 or less with a colour collector sheet
C. Put up with pale stains on underclothes, nightwear and bedlinen. They almost disappear with repeated washing. Who's going to look? First wash gets rid of germs.
Thank you, Alisongs. Very helpful and practical suggestions. Fortunately not so many accidents these days.