2 more nights before my first respite

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Quote Roseann
at last my headache has gone.
Funny you should say that Roseann as I`ve started getting headaches at some part or parts of every day. I haven`t had headaches for years. It just shows how good the respite has been for you and i`m so pleased John has been better this time. It shows there`s hope for us all.

Helen, you haven`t even gone yet and I`m counting the hours till you return. I can`t wait to hear the news, how you enjoyed yourself and how Alan was.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2007
Hi Helen

Sorry I have only just caught up with this thread - I hope you have a wonderful break and come back fully refreshed and raring to go:)

Can't wait to hear all your news.

Lots of love


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello Helen..

I'm late coming into this too...

It's been a bit of a battle for you to get this far..but you've done it..!!

The hard work has paid off...I'm sure Alan will be well cared for, so enjoy this time away.

Come back to us refreshed and glowing with health...and loads of pics...:D

Looking forward so much to hearing about it all.

Love xx


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Dear Helen - After all of your careful preparations, you thoroughly deserve a wonderful break this weekend. Hope the weather is good for you - and Alan's daughter, and how lovely that you are both going together - and that you feel rested and re-charged afterwards. Will be thinking of you. Love, Nan XXX


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you all so much for your kindness and your support:)

My bum has only just now touched the seat and I can report with all honesty that taking respite means very hard work in preparing for it. It is now all just about done for everyone.

Today was made particularly difficult because Alan started sundowning at 3.30 this afternoon and it has continued throughout the evening. There was a lull whilst he watched a film "homeward bound" with the sitter whilst I worked. I really do think it probably happened because the usual routines were disrupted today even though I remained calm and soothing throughout the business of the day.

The sitter will arrive at 8am and I am hoping to be off by 8.05 am. Up to now I do not feel any guilt. I feel that Alan has the best possible care provided, he has the luxury of his own home, he has a wife who loves him and who is happy to do whatever it takes for him to have the best life possible under the circumstances. However, I need a break and I want a break.
I know that it is not possible for Alan to understand my needs and I don't think it matters any more because I understand my own needs and am fully prepared to take responsibility for myself.

I will miss you all. It is because of you that any of this is happening and the way that it is happening. I well remember not ever having heard of Crossroads;)

Take care of yourselves and I send you all much love xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I do hope you have a rally good break Helen.
It sounds like the biggest adventure of all times and that is because it`s such a momentous occasion.
I know people have done it before and will do it again, but for you it is a first and significant step towards having regular breaks to recharge.
Bon Voyage. :D


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
Thank you all so much for your kindness and your support:)

Up to now I do not feel any guilt.

Why should you feel any guilt, we all give everything we have to give, but at some point there is a limit..

If we are sensible we recognise that and take a break.. When you return you will be able to give 100% again, who can ask for anything more.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Sorry to miss your goodbyes but I'll be here to support you when you get back from the break (which may be strangely different too) xoxox


Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
first respite

Dear Helen.i have read your, many blogs, about your husband Alan.What a wonderful,supportive wife,you are.I am so happy to hear about your respite.Please take this time to renew yourself.This terrible desease,can take such a physical and emotional rollercoaster....Take these respites with the good grace you deserve.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Helen:

I know you are due back soon and I hope your break has been rejuvenating!! Please let us know about your weekend into the big wide world (Derbyshire :cool:).
Love Jan