Helen and Alan


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
This is the bossy Helen here (not the clever one)

What ever the night or day throws at you, please don't try to cope on your own. You are only wonder-woman if you wear your knickers on the outside.

If this carries on at such a fast downturn please make sure you have someone with you. Personal experience, would not have dealt with Mum's passing without my brother, trying to put in to words what I mean is not really working.

You and Me I think can cope and deal with most things, but lady there is a limit.

OK (worsall gumage) bossy head off,

Caring head.. Take care of you as well..


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Have a safe journey and a good time in Bolton Norrms. Give your mum a kiss from me and Alan:)

The night wasn't too bad although we did have a positioning problem again because it is so much more difficult when Alan is tired:eek:

The lady came this morning, on time, to wash and dress him and she did a marvellous job with a man who didn't really want it! I needed to get the prescription so I asked if I could dash off to the chemist and she said yes. The car windscreen wipers weren't working:eek: So I legged it:) When I got back Alan was all washed and dressed and looking quite dapper. He wasn't distressed either like he can be with me. I was more than glad to leave that part to someone else.

He seems much better in himself today. He has had porridge, some fresh melon, a few satsuma segments, a couple of grapes and some apricots.

HE USED THE COMMODE. Now this is where I admit to being completely wrong and so was the Hospice at Home nurse. We both believed that Alan would never get the concept of a commode. However, a few moments ago he wanted to climb the stairs to the loo and so I hurriedly wheeled the commode into the hall and sat him on it and hey presto:D He was spared using all that energy and because it has handles and is adjustable height, it is much easier for him than the actual toilet. I am now thinking that I could do with one upstairs as well!!! It just goes to show that you never know until you try!!:eek:

The garage is sending someone out to fix the car as I can't get out.

Love to you all


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Good to hear you had a better night, Helen!

And brilliant news about the commode....:D I'm sure they's supply you with another one for upstairs use if you ask. (Just wave your Mary Poppins umbrella at them...;))

So pleased that you're getting support with Alan's personal needs, and that he's accepting it.

Love xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Helen:

What a lovely positive post with things going the right way at last. Alan obviously responded well to the carer doing the personal stuff.

David had a 'run around' (thats what the carers called it!!)which was like a mini light weight wheelchair with a commode under the seat. We only used it to get him from A to B and the commode was there for emergencies.

I can imagine Alan tucking into his lovely breakfast.

Hope today goes well. Love


Registered User
Feb 17, 2008
I've just popped om to see how you are doing Helen, I hold my hand up to you well done for getting things do how you want it you are doing great but please dont forget to rest yourself I know how hard things can get.

sending big hugs

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen , glad today is brighter, and that Alan has taken to using the commode so well, that will save him having to make so much effort and one in bedroom sounds a good idea, i am imaging him sat in his comfy chair surrounded by his dogs with a bag of sweets on lap hope i am right, how are you feeling today,it is so up and down lets hope today is just up ,love to you both Pam

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
Hello Helen, that was a lovely post so positive. It is often like your experience with the commode. Sometimes we are negative with new things and changes, but once we try it is actually an improvement, I think we all tend to worry about new equipment because yet again it changes the routine. I should ask OT for a 2nd one upstairs, it will save you so much trouble at night. The one we have got is a shower chair/commode, which goes straight in to the shower once you take the bowl off, it is very comfortable and actually has a lid so you could use it for a chair. It is safe enough to wheel it around with a person sitting on it on flat surfaces as well which is a bonus.
Good to hear too that Alan is happy about the carer doing personal care, my husband blankly refuses, but I am more than happy to do that.
I do hope your days continues to be a little easier.

Linda Mc

Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Nr Mold
Been catching up with your news Helen just wanted you to know although I don't post much I am thinking of you and Alan and hope you get some rest.

With love


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I decided to take Gigi's advice
Just wave your Mary Poppins umbrella at them...)
and hey presto it is here and installed upstairs:D I couldn't believe the speed of it.

Alan was much brighter this morning but has slept on and off for most of the day. There were some good moments. For the first time Alan ate supper with me in the kitchen and he ate quite a lot. Salmon, veg and home-made parsley sauce. He then ate a very small trifle. He become cold this evening with blue fingers again so he is now tucked up in bed with beanies:) Every day is different but I am so grateful for the moments of 'life':)

Hospice at Home have phoned this evening to offer me a sit tomorrow,one on Monday and one on Wednesday so I will get a chance to take a break. I might even go swimming on one of the days - then again I might not:rolleyes:

Our grandson (late 20's) found out yesterday he has a serious heart condition and he has been given a pacemaker today!! That was quick action and I feel so sorry for his mother because Alan is her dad and he is dying, she lost a son a couple of years ago in a road accident and now this worry.



Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
The bright side of this, Helen, for your daughter and her son, is that they FOUND this serious heart condition: in a young person like that they might well not have.

Hope you do get some rest.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It never rains eh? Helen. A serious heart condition in a 20 year old is a big big worry.

It`s so good to hear you had some better times with Alan today and you now know what sitting times you will have. At last you are not in limbo, about the sitting times at least.

Love xx


Registered User
Apr 4, 2008
Helen, I am thinking of you, how many bits of you are splitting off in all directions to support your family, I send you my love.

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
So sorry about your grandson, what a worry for you all and his poor mum espcecially, but good they found it and helped him so quickly.
Good to hear yet another peace of equipment has arrived safely and promptly and that the sitting service is in place, excellent support.
You sound like more positive in general.

Go on go for that swim, it is so good for you and you will feel re-vigorated when you come out.
Take care