Helen and Alan


Registered User
Helen, Alan still looks lovely if a little frail - how much had you had to drink when you took the last one!:rolleyes:


Amber 5

Registered User
Hi Helen,
Love your photos of Alan - he's looking pretty good really, his smile in the second one is lovely to see and I love the bag of chococate raisins in the first photo. He looks like he's really enjoying them - I would too!

Hope all goes well today for you and the pain relief arrives very soon.
Take care,
love Gill x

sad nell

Registered User
Helen thanks so much for posting the pictures of Eric so pleased he still has that certain something about him, glad the tracky bottoms are a succsess, they make life alot easier.I now keep trev in one room with every thing to hand, have had a sink fitted in louge. could not be without in now, keeps everything away from food areas. How are you feeling , hope you are given the strengh you need. know you are one very strong lady but let family share the load, love Pam


Registered User
Thanks everyone:) I feel fine today and it's a day of testing out the new system(s) to see how they work and I am happy with the results. I feel respected and supported. I rang the District Nurse and told her that I needed to know who was the expert in charge of pain relief for Alan because I needed another medical review as the situation had changed from only a few days ago. She organised for the GP to come out. He was good and we talked through the current situation with regard to Alan and how it might be best addressed. He felt that it was too big a jump to go onto patches and when looked at wholly, I agreed with him. This will be reviewed regularly and can be changed at any time. We talked through the bowels issue and me not wanting Alan to have unnecessary suffering and, again, I felt comfortable with his understanding. For the moment Alan will go onto soluble co-codamol.

Alan wanted to come downstairs and he has sat quiet and comfortably all day in a chair. He has slept most of the time.

Dear Gill (Amber),

Alan loved those chocolate raisins but today he doesn't know what they are and has stopped eating them!! That does seem sad but maybe it's just today and it'll come back tomorrow.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Its good to hear the GP was supportive Helen and willing to be flexible re pain relief for Alan. A bit of heartache relief for you. xx

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Hello Helen, good to hear you are having a "good" day so far and that everybody are being very supportive and respectful, that is what it is all about. Co-codimols are really good particularly the strong ones on prescription only i.e. 30/500 against the normal 8/500 you can by over the counter, the only thing is they do have a habit of making you very constipated, which is the last thing Alan wants, but a couple of sp0onfuls of lactoluse in his food daily would counteract that if necessary. Hope you have a continued good day.


Registered User
Good to hear that things are settling down and you're having a better day, Helen.

The GP sounds very understanding, and you seem to be working things out well.

I hope things continue like this for a while for you both.

Love xx


Registered User
Dear Helen,

Thank you for posting the photos. Alan is a very smartly turned out man. I can understand your reluctance to put him in tracksuit bottoms.

Hope your day is going as well as can be expected.

Take care,

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Glad to hear things are getting sorted out. As usual, Alan looks very handsome in the photos, even though he is starting to look frail.

I agree with you on keeping the downstairs normal. This disease swamps us so much we really do need to try & keep normality going somewhere.

Sam Iam

Registered User
You are a star xxxx
Alan looks so good in the first two pictures and so tired in the third
You are so stong Helen and I wish you health and strength to carry on loving and careing for Alan.xxx


Registered User
I had to phone the District Nurse tonight because all of a sudden Alan went cold and his fingers went black including the finger nails:eek: I got him into bed with a microwaved beanie and eventually it went back to normal. The District Nurse said she didn't know Alan and therefore if I was worried I needed to ring the GP. I have decided to leave it because it is now back to normal and he is sleeping and in no distress.

I don't know anything about physical illnesses but I suspect that his body is beginning to pack up:( Alan has only been awake for just moments throughout the day.


Amber 5

Registered User
Oh dear how worrying for you. Hope you have a good night and that Alan sleeps well. Bless him, and you!
Lots of love,
Gill x


Registered User
Helen, so glad you had even the briefest of respites and pray that this will give you strength. I admire you so much. I think it's brililant what you're doing xx


Registered User
Helen, you did the right thing.

Alan's lungs are not working properly. when you see him like this he needs rest and warmth..your instincts are spot on.

I don't know anything about physical illnesses but I suspect that his body is beginning to pack up

Again, your instincts are right. No-one can predict how Alan's illness will progress, Helen. It's obvious that whatever is happening is rapid. The blessing may be that because of the liver mets (tumours) Alan may just go to sleep and not wake up.

Thinking of you and wishing I could be of more help.

Love xx

sad nell

Registered User
Helen hope you manage some sleep with out any further incidents, and that Alan has a pain free night,thankyou so much for you support, when you are dealing with all this ,it is so much appreciated love Pam


Registered User
Hello Helen:
Just come in to see your latest post. I cannot imagine how you are feeling but know how relieved you must be to have Alan home with you.

If you need to talk through the night I am here.
