Day by day


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hubby rather confused today. He totally forgot that his daughter had been visiting and she only left yesterday. And he had problems remembering our grandson. Then he just looked so sad and asked the old question, why is this happening to me.
That question - mum asks it so much more frequently these days... I don't envy your position @SeaSwallow :( My ❤ goes out to you both.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Thank you all, unfortunately although hubby’s memory is bad he does have insight into his condition and it is heartbreaking at times.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
I think that it would be useful for me to record occasional daily thoughts, not necessarily for other people to reply to them but more for me to think things through and as reminders of the progress of this horrible disease.
The last couple of days have been good, no confabulation, first time in ages. Such a relief as constantly listening to these stories is so wearing, and it is so hard to comfort hubby when he gets caught up in what he thinks is real.
It did worry me today when he asked where our daughter lives, hopefully this is just a blip as he had just woken up from a doze.
I also think it helps to write things down. Your post chimes with me as our daughter and family have recently moved to Hong Kong and my husband one day thought she is in the USA and the next day asked me where she is living. Made me feel very sad.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I also think it helps to write things down. Your post chimes with me as our daughter and family have recently moved to Hong Kong and my husband one day thought she is in the USA and the next day asked me where she is living. Made me feel very sad.
Thank you @Silversally It might help you to start your own thread if you have not already done so.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
I think that it would be useful for me to record occasional daily thoughts, not necessarily for other people to reply to them but more for me to think things through and as reminders of the progress of this horrible disease.
The last couple of days have been good, no confabulation, first time in ages. Such a relief as constantly listening to these stories is so wearing, and it is so hard to comfort hubby when he gets caught up in what he thinks is real.
It did worry me today when he asked where our daughter lives, hopefully this is just a blip as he had just woken up from a doze.
Yeah the stories go on and on, Iknow every one but lately they are getting mixed up in time and place. Make you wonder whats coming next.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
I think I've found a trigger for one of her odd things. Today we had a fellow come to start doing window cleaning, as it's getting too dodgy for me to climb a ladder, at the mention of payment, it's started the i will pay for this as your family will wonder why you're paying for it which is a prelude to won't your family wonder where you are. It's as if she doean't think I live here with her and am just here to look after her. Which is a bit disconcerting as we have been together for 43 yrs and in this house for 36yrs. But I am learning to ignore the feeling and just smile and say they know where i am.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Sat in the sun with hubby for a while late this afternoon when it was cooler. Really enjoyed it but the midges love me. Not complaining though, it gladdens the heart to see blue sky again.
The swallows were flying high, getting ready for their long journey home.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That sounds a lovely way to pass some time @SeaSwallow. What a shame about the midgies - I’m another who is loved by them! 😱

I hope you have a good day today.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
This is my respite afternoon @Izzy Having my hair styled at the posh hairdresser’s. Nearly wish that I was staying at home to enjoy the sun again. But should be back for four so plenty of time to sit out for a while.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Had a good day yesterday, but very long. Up at 0600 so we could be out of the house by 0845, without pushing piglet ( who will stall for hours if she thinks she is being pushed) to go to our daughters. Daughter looked after my piglet while my granson and I went to the Army Flying Museum. Great day out, told him about my adventures under arms in far away places and showed him allteh aircraft i had been in and flown. I think he probably now sees Grandad in a different light, not the old, white haired codjer he thought i was.

Drove home, into the setting sun for an hours or so bought Piglet and I fish and chips . Home by 2100 extremely tired but very good day. And the main thrust of this epistle is piglet had a good day as well and nothing went wrong. Whee.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
This is my respite afternoon @Izzy Having my hair styled at the posh hairdresser’s. Nearly wish that I was staying at home to enjoy the sun again. But should be back for four so plenty of time to sit out for a while.
Enjoy your afternoon, you deserve it.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Had a good day yesterday, but very long. Up at 0600 so we could be out of the house by 0845, without pushing piglet ( who will stall for hours if she thinks she is being pushed) to go to our daughters. Daughter looked after my piglet while my granson and I went to the Army Flying Museum. Great day out, told him about my adventures under arms in far away places and showed him allteh aircraft i had been in and flown. I think he probably now sees Grandad in a different light, not the old, white haired codjer he thought i was.

Drove home, into the setting sun for an hours or so bought Piglet and I fish and chips . Home by 2100 extremely tired but very good day. And the main thrust of this epistle is piglet had a good day as well and nothing went wrong. Whee.
Glad you had a nice day with your grand son and Piglet had nice day with daughter. It's days like that which mean so much more, now we are carers.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Had a good day yesterday, but very long. Up at 0600 so we could be out of the house by 0845, without pushing piglet ( who will stall for hours if she thinks she is being pushed) to go to our daughters. Daughter looked after my piglet while my granson and I went to the Army Flying Museum. Great day out, told him about my adventures under arms in far away places and showed him allteh aircraft i had been in and flown. I think he probably now sees Grandad in a different light, not the old, white haired codjer he thought i was.

Drove home, into the setting sun for an hours or so bought Piglet and I fish and chips . Home by 2100 extremely tired but very good day. And the main thrust of this epistle is piglet had a good day as well and nothing went wrong. Whee.
What a day to treasure, and so good that your grandson can see you in a different light.