County Hall Meeting - what is this job title?


Registered User
Mar 25, 2017
South of the Border
The meeting last Thursday with a Committee at County Hall was pretty scary, but I felt I put our points across. I say 'our' because we are all in this together. Admittedly any result will only be local to me, but who knows, we could have a knock on effect....

I have had an email today from the Head of Health and Social Care asking if I could meet with a lady ( at my convenience) who is a 'Lead Carers Commissioner' - not a title I have every heard of before. As requested, I have emailed her to arrange said meeting, but just had a return mail stating she is 'at meetings' all the time until 28th and cannot answer emails until then..... we will see who and what she is, and if she will be able to advance our cause.

If anyone knows what a 'Lead Carers Commissioner' does I would be grateful for an explanation....


Registered User
May 21, 2014
I would assume she is the head of the department that is commissioning services for carers in your borough.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
The only references I can find to anyone with that job title is in Lincolnshire and Oxfordshire, just another on the long list of grandiose titles that Local Authorities come up with but quite a few LA's have a carers commission so I guess they all have a head, lead, chair or someone in charge call it what you will.
Just google the words "care commissioner" and the name of the LA and it should provide a link.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
When I want to find out what a job title "means" I search on Google for "[job title] jobs", then read the Job Descriptions / Person Specifications for several of the jobs advertised. This usually works a treat!


Registered User
Mar 25, 2017
South of the Border
I almost gave up when I had an unexpected email from the lady concerned.....
It is in such County Hall jargon and filibustering that I read it twice, still did not know what it was about and put it into my mental 'pending tray' to look at again another day.... they just don't 'get it' do they?