Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I do hope you found the 2 residents, @sdmhred
The lady who can move floors - massive respect! 😌
It's well known Northumbrians and rhubarb don't get on - something to do with the easterly wind, it spoils the taste and they just don't trust it again.
A WI indoor garden to boot - what an evening!

They all sound lovely people, BTW.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Not enough here yet to get away with any ‘liberating’ but the thought did cross my mind 🤭🤭 mum told me it would be a ‘little bit naughty’🤣🤣
Embrace the naughty @sdmhred 😉 I'm sure your mum would be proud deep down really haha 😇 Hmm, what did I start last year..? So totally a bad (liberating) influence on you chaps 🤪 blame my mum!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
It was mildly chaotic at care home supper tonight - I was looking in my handbag for 2 residents who had ‘lost’ their keys, a lady who had moved floors had ‘lost’ her son….and my lovely lady from Northumbria who spits out her rhubarb ( and has cottoned on they put pills in her pudding!) wanted to know what the carer was doing to the fire……she was btw praying (Islamic lady)……but then my brain was wondering why she was praying in the dining room when the lounge would have been empty 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

mum and I escaped to the indoor garden upstairs to then be trailed by the 2nd floor ladies (bit like a WI up there) who all were instructing me on my wheelchair pushing technique……..we then took to her room 🤣🤣
You are definitely an asset to that care home and to the peeps who live there @sdmhred, although perhaps like myself your brain 🧠 might need a slight rewiring job based on this most recent post ;) welcome to the club lass!!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
my brain definitely needs a re-wire - it’s gone a little crazy.

Last night I dreamed a friendly heterosexual man called Dave went into my shower room …but came out as a gay man called Ian.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I then went on to give birth to twins ( having had nothing to do with either Dave or Ian I hasten to add 🙈🙈) .but using a technique they use to change pads when in bed ….😱😱😱 🤣🤣🤣 I remember thinking in the dream this isnt the usual way of doing it 🤣🙈

I think I have been spending far too much time reading the posts on the funny thIngs PWD say and do!

And flower wise @jennifer1967 its the poor crocuses who are flattened here at the mo 😢😢😢

Everyone is lovely at the home @Neveradullday! - the folks are no doubt very different from pre diagnosis but each has their own lovely personality which shines through. As Ive noticed in my own work even those most unwell can often recognise and respect kindness and will show it back. The man who paces and is often aggressive is such a sweetie underneath. When I was miserable at the start of the week it’s as if he sensed it. He told me to have as many cups of tea as I wanted …and in the evening as I left stood at the door and waved me off saying see u tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰. He gave to me emotionally!

and as for @Eddcorner getting into trouble at work for prioritising patient welfare above policy and procedures…..been there far too many times 🙈🙈🙈


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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
my brain definitely needs a re-wire - it’s gone a little crazy.

Last night I dreamed a friendly heterosexual man called Dave went into my shower room …but came out as a gay man called Ian.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I then went on to give birth to twins ( having had nothing to do with either Dave or Ian I hasten to add 🙈🙈) .but using a technique they use to change pads when in bed ….😱😱😱 🤣🤣🤣 I remember thinking in the dream this isnt the usual way of doing it 🤣🙈

I think I have been spending far too much time reading the posts on the funny thIngs PWD say and do!

And flower wise @jennifer1967 its the poor crocuses who are flattened here at the mo 😢😢😢

Everyone is lovely at the home @Neveradullday! - the folks are no doubt very different from pre diagnosis but each has their own lovely personality which shines through. As Ive noticed in my own work even those most unwell can often recognise and respect kindness and will show it back. The man who paces and is often aggressive is such a sweetie underneath. When I was miserable at the start of the week it’s as if he sensed it. He told me to have as many cups of tea as I wanted …and in the evening as I left stood at the door and waved me off saying see u tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰. He gave to me emotionally!

and as for @Eddcorner getting into trouble at work for prioritising patient welfare above policy and procedures…..been there far too many times 🙈🙈🙈
i think there is no hope for your mind. how did you dream that little gem - maybe too much screen time at bedtime. keep[ing me entertained. 🤣 :):)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
my brain definitely needs a re-wire - it’s gone a little crazy.

Last night I dreamed a friendly heterosexual man called Dave went into my shower room …but came out as a gay man called Ian.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I then went on to give birth to twins ( having had nothing to do with either Dave or Ian I hasten to add 🙈🙈) .but using a technique they use to change pads when in bed ….😱😱😱 🤣🤣🤣 I remember thinking in the dream this isnt the usual way of doing it 🤣🙈

I think I have been spending far too much time reading the posts on the funny thIngs PWD say and do!

And flower wise @jennifer1967 its the poor crocuses who are flattened here at the mo 😢😢😢

Everyone is lovely at the home @Neveradullday! - the folks are no doubt very different from pre diagnosis but each has their own lovely personality which shines through. As Ive noticed in my own work even those most unwell can often recognise and respect kindness and will show it back. The man who paces and is often aggressive is such a sweetie underneath. When I was miserable at the start of the week it’s as if he sensed it. He told me to have as many cups of tea as I wanted …and in the evening as I left stood at the door and waved me off saying see u tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰. He gave to me emotionally!

and as for @Eddcorner getting into trouble at work for prioritising patient welfare above policy and procedures…..been there far too many times 🙈🙈🙈
Oh I did that too where patient-need was flat-lining, even designed some protocols myself but it was making (after multiple failures to persuade) 'established' staff adhere to existing rules to enhance inpatients' wellbeing that was a constant battle! All very depressing stuff haha 🤨😉

Now I'm just waiting for the daffs... how the world turns eh? And bravo to you for continuing the fight!

Oh yeah forget the rewire, bonkers is good... interesting dream though!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
'The man who paces' shows just how wrong first impressions can be, especially where d is concerned - inspiring story. 👍

That hoist looks like a decent bit of kit. Nice door. Bit worried about the lion! 😟
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Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Quite an uneventful few days as mum’s legs have become inflamed so no hoisting for a while. I’ve managed to get out for some local walks apart from this afternoon when it just peed it down and is still going…

The man who I mentioned earlier was in a bit of a lary mood and had his moments today…but in the midst of it stopped at mum’s door and asked if she was warm and comfortable 🥰🥰🥰 I Wonder if he’s taken a shine to us 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Made my heart melt anyway…

Lots of queries in my mind about mum’s adrenal insufficiency and steroid treatment ….need to summons the energy to try and get these medical professionals to put their heads together….it was my task for today but I picked up the paintbrush instead and then felt a little guilty 🙈🙈

for our quality time we’ve been reading mum travel diary as you know …..we started on her big trip today…..starting at Singapore 😊 having little thoughts of perhaps recreating it myself but I think that might be a little ambitious.

manager due back tomorrow- I’m dreading it if she wants to speak to me…..I haven’t got the reserves to be ‘told off’.😬😬


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Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up
@canary No wonder you welled up, i felt quite teary just reading your post. It just shows that underneath there must be something of your old husband.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up
Oh gosh @canary i am almost welling up reading that 🥰🥰🥰

This disease plays so much havoc on our emotions xxxx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up
thats is so moving and why we keep going. saying something nice or a loving gesture makes everything better. wish we could bottle it for when it gets too hard.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Oh @canary , that's lovely,
I kiss my OH on his bald head , say ' I love you ' regularly, occasionally he smiles and says "thank you" . Never says he loves me ,but doesn't have to. Wish he'd do it more often


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up
Oh my ❤ I can't remember the last time I cried and so very moving @canary... sending you both our love :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Quite an uneventful few days as mum’s legs have become inflamed so no hoisting for a while. I’ve managed to get out for some local walks apart from this afternoon when it just peed it down and is still going…

The man who I mentioned earlier was in a bit of a lary mood and had his moments today…but in the midst of it stopped at mum’s door and asked if she was warm and comfortable 🥰🥰🥰 I Wonder if he’s taken a shine to us 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Made my heart melt anyway…

Lots of queries in my mind about mum’s adrenal insufficiency and steroid treatment ….need to summons the energy to try and get these medical professionals to put their heads together….it was my task for today but I picked up the paintbrush instead and then felt a little guilty 🙈🙈

for our quality time we’ve been reading mum travel diary as you know …..we started on her big trip today…..starting at Singapore 😊 having little thoughts of perhaps recreating it myself but I think that might be a little ambitious.

manager due back tomorrow- I’m dreading it if she wants to speak to me…..I haven’t got the reserves to be ‘told off’.😬😬
I'm sure you'll get on top of everything @sdmhred, you are a strong lass and don't take any nonsense from that 'manager'! Regardless I do hope your mum recovers quickly, her travel diaries will no doubt provide you both with some lighter moments :) And that chap? What a nice fellow!

Never feel guilty about picking up your paintbrush, it's an important safety valve and something that is dear to your heart. Recreating a trip into your past is a fantastic idea too, never say never my friend. Hmm, I never used to write such short sentences... I blame texting 🤔


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Last night OHs catheter blocked and I had to call the DNs to fit a new one.
OH is living more and more in his own little bubble, ignoring everything around him (including me) and has become almost mute.

Yet this morning, after I had got him up, he spontaneously said to me "thank you for helping me last night" and kissed my cheek. I welled up

I'm so pleased you got a small acknowledgement of your efforts.