Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Mmmmm not quite sure how to react when I realise my mum has now joined the band of ‘complicated cases’ on here 🙈🙈


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We take mini victories where they come. Mum said she needed the loo - stood up - got on Connie commode - did the necessary - got up and walked to the bed 👏👏👏👏

No anxiety, no brain getting fuddled, all perfectly manageable.

And even the staff genuinely smiled when they saw 😊😊


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Ah, what you have both achieved together is admirable. You have supported your mum to live her life to the fullest at the mid stage of her illness and spent lots of quality time together. No mean feat with the challenges presented I'm sure and as a community member here...I've found your posts and stories really encouraging, which is what I needed for my own mums journey.

A lot of big changes for you both. Change is so disruptive for anyone, never mind with dementia thrown in. Keep telling yourself things will settle soon and you will slowly adapt to different routines, jsut as you adapted to all the initial changes.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks Rachael 🥰🥰 I’m glad my posts have been good to read. I do love that this site gives you a chance to offload, seek support and help others.

I had a chuckle today when the existing care home phoned me in a panic that mum was refusing to get up for her assessment. I think they wanted her nicely dressed and presented for another care home manager 🤣🤣 After being assured she was well, just refusing I said leave her be……if she wants to stay in bed ….then that’s fine ….she has stayed there all day but is on good form tonight and has walked again so it’s served her well. I do think she benefits from less stimulation.

Anyway the new care home manager said they had a lovely chat and so mum will move on Monday. I am sad that this one is big but I will go in again on Saturday to check out the lounge areas on her floor as I didn’t take them in during my visit earlier in the week. It would be nice for her to get to know a few faces….

Found her sat in wee tonight which wasn’t good. Annoyingly it was handover so we had to wait ages for help. I know I shouldnt do their job for them but I did get her out of wet clothes as wasn’t leaving her like that.

She’s chosen to do sticker Christmas cards this year …so there will be a selection of wonky nativity scenes working their way across the country 🤣🤣🤣

I got my Mental health first aid course done - more a paper exercise as I know the stuff - but need it for CV as I would like to move into mental health / well-being training perhaps …..


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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thanks Rachael 🥰🥰 I’m glad my posts have been good to read. I do love that this site gives you a chance to offload, seek support and help others.

I had a chuckle today when the existing care home phoned me in a panic that mum was refusing to get up for her assessment. I think they wanted her nicely dressed and presented for another care home manager 🤣🤣 After being assured she was well, just refusing I said leave her be……if she wants to stay in bed ….then that’s fine ….she has stayed there all day but is on good form tonight and has walked again so it’s served her well. I do think she benefits from less stimulation.

Anyway the new care home manager said they had a lovely chat and so mum will move on Monday. I am sad that this one is big but I will go in again on Saturday to check out the lounge areas on her floor as I didn’t take them in during my visit earlier in the week. It would be nice for her to get to know a few faces….

Found her sat in wee tonight which wasn’t good. Annoyingly it was handover so we had to wait ages for help. I know I shouldnt do their job for them but I did get her out of wet clothes as wasn’t leaving her like that.

She’s chosen to do sticker Christmas cards this year …so there will be a selection of wonky nativity scenes working their way across the country 🤣🤣🤣

I got my Mental health first aid course done - more a paper exercise as I know the stuff - but need it for CV as I would like to move into mental health / well-being training perhaps …..
thats a nice card and unique one off


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well any doubt I have has been banished now. Mum has stayed in bed all day ….which is fine…but she is sat in a soaking pad and her speech is all over the place ….she has hardly had fluids all day and has just had loads with me so was clearly thirsty and dehydrated from her perspective…

Anyway they are going to check for uti at my request ….if we can get a sample.

I always knew this stage was going to be difficult

I say it again I banked 2 good years of care in mid stage dementia which is an achievement for us both!!
Must be extremely difficult for you @sdmhred :( and having experienced a similar situation on mum's last hospital admission... You are so brave!! Love to you and your mum ❤


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Great to hear the new care home manager got a sense of your mum and her lovely personality. She comes across like such a beautiful soul from all your stories.

Very annoying to have found mum wet on your visit, you can't be blamed for getting involved..I'm sure none of the staff minded an extra set of hands....

Absolutely love the idea of sticker cards. Thinking of having mum do some Xmas art with her grandsons (my nephews) and ill facilitate as brother and sis in law have zero time on their hands. Sticker cards might be one to add to the list. My godson is quite the budding artist though so no doubt will be insulted at this step down in crafts 🤣


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
The fluids thing SO annoys me. Mum usually drinks 2l quite happily - I was told she had only had 600ml by 7pm 😱😱 All it takes is to put her cup in her hand - she will then happily drink…..if you put the drink on the table she will not touch it……of course they have been told.

The new place has a white board in every room for family to leave messages so this will be going up.

I would visit every day anyway as I want to hang out with mum but a lot of my visit is ensuring shes been well hydrated. And of course you can tell the difference in cognition with more hydration…..


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Sat in bed with my porridge summonsing the energy for moving today. A complex set of arrangements involving clearing her room , driving to new Place, getting a taxi and then escorting in minibus to new place and unpacking etc etc

I visited the new place again over the weekend. Spoke to one of the leads on her floor who was nice and looked at the communal areas which I hadn’t taken in. Somewhat reassuring but feels so different so will take it as it comes.

other than yesterday mums had a few better days and had been mobilising, she’s soooo much better for less stimulation and thankfully when she feels tired just refuses to get up so does help herself in that way a bit.

Against all the advice here I have told her but she seems to think she is staying in a conference centre and is happily off to another one….a bit like one of those holidays when you move mid way. ……I do hope the settled nature continues 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
She has had a negative LTF today but that doesn’t mean anything for tomorrow
Clearly out of my hands but I wouldn’t want it to be spread.