advice please


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
its been lo.vely this week as hes gone back to the shed. the medics on the other hand have really brassed me off. they tell me when they are coming or contacting me not thinking of the caring i have to do and when. it was the doctor yesterday who iu hadnt contacted but wanted to speak to me. they gave me a time and called earlier so had to phone me back. just had a phonecall from the housebound team for a blood test tomorrow. not asked me if this is convenient, just that they are coming.
the careline we have hasnt been loaded with enough software so if i had called them when my husband had fallen over, there wouldnt be any response. i have been paying for that service. they are going to change from a mobile phone type to a wrist or pendant type. they are supposed to be coming out this evening to sort it. all these people have not taken into a count that im a carer for my husband. i might be housebound but ive still got a life and not just sitting waiting for them.
asked about my jabs and they will contact me. i do have a say i think in what happens to me and when.


New member
Feb 1, 2021
My husband became physically aggressive. His strength was incredible - I was very frightened and called police who were very understanding but couldn't do much except file reports to GP etc. On fourth occasion (on holiday in Scotland) he was trying to strangle me and did throw me down the stairs. Police arrived and said that I was in too much danger and they took him to nearest MH facility. Shocked at how quickly it happened! But now, six months down the line - I have realised that I left it too late to get help. He is still in MH facility (at home) and has further deteriorated - he is now having 24 hour care and being kept in isolation. Sounds horrendous BUT he is safe and so am I. Point of my post - we must be realistic that a time may come when we have to let professionals take over the care. We might want to keep them at home - but not always best for patient or the carer.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
My husband became physically aggressive. His strength was incredible - I was very frightened and called police who were very understanding but couldn't do much except file reports to GP etc. On fourth occasion (on holiday in Scotland) he was trying to strangle me and did throw me down the stairs. Police arrived and said that I was in too much danger and they took him to nearest MH facility. Shocked at how quickly it happened! But now, six months down the line - I have realised that I left it too late to get help. He is still in MH facility (at home) and has further deteriorated - he is now having 24 hour care and being kept in isolation. Sounds horrendous BUT he is safe and so am I. Point of my post - we must be realistic that a time may come when we have to let professionals take over the care. We might want to keep them at home - but not always best for patient or the carer.
thank you for your reply. that post was posted 2 years ago at least now. hes had memantine for 2 years and is a whole lot calmer and easier. he still has his moments but they are few and far between now.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
thought i would share some good news for a change. my diabetic blood test shows that i have gone from 105 to 77 and the nurse phoned me up to congratulate me. ive worked so hard with the insulin and im proud of myself to get this far. then the doctor came and i have an ear infection so anti-bio drops. it is swollen so not able to hear so well. at least i have an excuse to ignore him.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
thought i would share some good news for a change. my diabetic blood test shows that i have gone from 105 to 77 and the nurse phoned me up to congratulate me. ive worked so hard with the insulin and im proud of myself to get this far. then the doctor came and i have an ear infection so anti-bio drops. it is swollen so not able to hear so well. at least i have an excuse to ignore him.
Top news about your test but sorry that your ear is now gooky :( That along with toothache are the absolute worst... hope it settles down soon 🤞


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Top news about your test but sorry that your ear is now gooky :( That along with toothache are the absolute worst... hope it settles down soon 🤞
every other week, i seem to catch something. they did ask me to go to the surgery twice but im housebound so cant go to the surgery. its in my notes that they havent read.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
its been a hard week this week. he decided not to go to the shed so breaks were limited. we have looked after 2 of the grandchildren for 3 afternoons. they are 6 and 9 so not babies. did decorate the tree but i think hes had enough now and we need quiet activities today. he was a bit upset that the toys he made were being played with too roughly so they are out today as well. my daughter and s-i-l work so weve been plugging the gaps.
doing father christmas as well so trying to finish it. trying to burn the candle at both ends.