what tests can show if your MCI is related to Alzheimers or not?


New member
Feb 10, 2024
I have just been diagnosed with MCI, but the neuropsychologist said she "thought" that it was not related to Alzheimers, but mainly a result of my heart bypass surgery in 2016. But that's her "guess", it's not fact. I have a neurologist appointment next month. From my research I believe I'm seeing that a PET scan, or spinal fluids tests can show DEFINITIVELY whether my MCI is related to Alzheimers, or not. What does anyone out there know about this?


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
I have just been diagnosed with MCI, but the neuropsychologist said she "thought" that it was not related to Alzheimers, but mainly a result of my heart bypass surgery in 2016. But that's her "guess", it's not fact. I have a neurologist appointment next month. From my research I believe I'm seeing that a PET scan, or spinal fluids tests can show DEFINITIVELY whether my MCI is related to Alzheimers, or not. What does anyone out there know about this?
Hello 💗

All I can tell you is not everyone diagnosed with MCI goes on to develop a dementia illness. I don't think, certainly in my own experiences, that there is one definite test that gives a clear cut answer . Lots of different things that build up a picture. I can imagine you feel real worry and want answers.

I would make a list of questions to ask when you go to your next appointment and maybe take someone with you? I always find you forget to ask things and don't take everything in so a second pair of ears and eyes can be helpful as well as being reassuring.

The other danger is to google and read lots of different things when whilst these things can be helpful it can also fuel anxiety too. I have been guilty of that myself .

Hope your appointment sheds some light on those unanswered questions for you.


Registered User
Sep 13, 2020
MCI is a frustrating diagnosis as it doesn’t really explain anything. Further investigation is needed to discover the cause. Brain scans can show if there is any atrophy, and where this is occurring. If Alzheimer’s is suspected this can be checked with a lumbar puncture.

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