What does an Addenbrooke’s score of 76 mean?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @David Joseph

I'm sorry I have no experience of this test but would have hoped you would have had a more thorough explanation

My husband was tested with the MMSE test and he scored 23 out of 30

I think your best bet would be to go back to whoever tested you or your doctor and ask what mild Alzheimer`s means in your reality.

David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
Welcome @David Joseph

I'm sorry I have no experience of this test but would have hoped you would have had a more thorough explanation

My husband was tested with the MMSE test and he scored 23 out of 30

I think your best bet would be to go back to whoever tested you or your doctor and ask what mild Alzheimer`s means in your reality.

David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
Hi Grannie G,
I’m sorry. I think I didn’t put my question too well. I’m well acquainted with Alzheimer’s because my mother and paternal gran also had dementia. I should have asked the tester at the time but didn’t have the chance to at the time because Time was at a premium and I was upset because I knew I had not done well.
My question should be, if I get a chance to ask someone, is, “How mild is this mild? How much time do I have?”
Thanks very much for replying to my first post?
I am very grateful to you for your response and to the Forum. It is very helpful during these dark days for the NHS.
Thanks again,
David Joseph

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I’m no medic @David Joseph but I would say mild means very early stages

No one would be able to tell you how much time you have left. You have experience of dementia in your mother and grandmother and I suspect both had very different levels of progression and challenges

I know it would take strength but if you are able to live in the present and make the best of what life is offering you I’m sure that form of positivity would give you the best on offer.

It`s obvious from your post that your ability to write and think clearly is still fine. I would try not to waste a moment worrying too much about tomorrow. There is not one person in the world who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Take care. Keep posting and make the most of the support you will receive here.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @David Joseph and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum from me too.
I just want to echo what @Grannie G has said. I would suggest mild mean early stages and that you should try to live for the here and now, rather than worrying too much about tomorrow.
Everyones journey with dementia is different, in terms of time , symptoms etc. There is no defined path.
Please remember, you will always find support and understanding here.

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