What do I know?


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
I am just so sick of what we are supposed to put up with as carers. ' They can't help it, they didn't ask to be ill, don't argue, don't respond, suck it up, lose your entire life and don't complain'. I am so sick of it. Well I didn't ask to live like this, I didn't ask to be threatened, grabbed, thrown on the floor, shouted at and blamed for everything, only to be told to sell my home if I want to leave - all that is left after paying off his debts, make myself homeless and live the rest of my life in poverty. That is the reality. My OH is more than happy, he has a servant, he has no idea how he is affected, I cook, clean, wash, shop, provide everything he needs, for someone that can never appreciate what I do. I am a prisoner. I spoke to the Memory clinic and the nurse asked me what support I have. Well if they don't know that there is NO support, then no one knows.
You and me both JaxG. My tolerance level has reached zero, and my level of compassion is only hanging on by a thread.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
I am just so sick of what we are supposed to put up with as carers. ' They can't help it, they didn't ask to be ill, don't argue, don't respond, suck it up, lose your entire life and don't complain'. I am so sick of it. Well I didn't ask to live like this, I didn't ask to be threatened, grabbed, thrown on the floor, shouted at and blamed for everything, only to be told to sell my home if I want to leave - all that is left after paying off his debts, make myself homeless and live the rest of my life in poverty. That is the reality. My OH is more than happy, he has a servant, he has no idea how he is affected, I cook, clean, wash, shop, provide everything he needs, for someone that can never appreciate what I do. I am a prisoner. I spoke to the Memory clinic and the nurse asked me what support I have. Well if they don't know that there is NO support, then no one knows.
I could have written all this myself Jax so really do understand what you are going through. 😭 sending you plenty of (((((hugs)))))) None of these so could professional have any idea!


Registered User
May 15, 2021
I could have written all this myself Jax so really do understand what you are going through. 😭 sending you plenty of (((((hugs)))))) None of these so could professional have any idea!
Thinking of you too, and yes, they have no idea. xxx


Registered User
Dec 18, 2021
Again I so feel for you and I could have written your post.

My OH with frontotemporal dementia is totally negative and sits with a miserable downturned mouth and a sour look on his face using bad language about everyone and everything. Shows no gratitude for anything that I do and hates me to go out or see anyone or even talk to family or friends on the phone!
There is nothing wrong with him, the GP, Nurses etc know nothing and he is always right about everything.

The fact that there is NO support or help for us is a total disgrace and the toll that our caring role takes is intolerable.

Thank goodness for Forum support.

Love to you all.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
Again I so feel for you and I could have written your post.

My OH with frontotemporal dementia is totally negative and sits with a miserable downturned mouth and a sour look on his face using bad language about everyone and everything. Shows no gratitude for anything that I do and hates me to go out or see anyone or even talk to family or friends on the phone!
There is nothing wrong with him, the GP, Nurses etc know nothing and he is always right about everything.

The fact that there is NO support or help for us is a total disgrace and the toll that our caring role takes is intolerable.

Thank goodness for Forum support.

Love to you all.
How dreary for you! Was he always a knowall before he became ill? My OH was to some extent but now whatever I mention he has seen it, heard it, been there, always knew that!