weight loss


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
Hi there my husband was diagnosed with early dementia 2 years ago these past 6 months he has got progressively worse, shuffling hand movements ie rubbing his trouser legs, my big worry is that in the past 2 weeks he has lost 13lb in weight is this normal to lose such a great amount, and advice would be welcome thank you in advance


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
No I think that is too great. I would certainly get medical advice and emphasise your concern.

Its worth noting how much food is being eaten so they can analyse whether its because less calories are being taken or some other reason that needs investigating.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2013
hi willywoo that's much to much in such a short period of time. if its because he isn't eating his calorie count would be very very low to have lost that much weight. if he had had a stomach bug then it would still need to have been a bad one to loose that much weight. is he drinking enough also. I would ask for him to be checked over by the homes g.p . how much was he before he lost weight. what have home said about this? juniepoonie


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
I agree with Becky, that's a lot of weight lost in a short time.

You can ask your husband' GP or Social Worker to refer him to a Speech And Language Therapist...SALT for short.

They specialise in all issues to do with speech and vocalisation (obviously) but they also can help with swallowing issues, muscle tone, everything involved with the eating process.

In the meantime you can get drinks (calogen) prescribed by his GP, as little as 30mls, that's about one fluid ounce in old money and not too overwhelming if he has no appetite.

Best wishes.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
My husband has been seen by Salt and the dieticians, he has been put on fortisip 1 bottle a day I write down everything he eats and drinks I have to contact the dietician every week after I have weighed him, I am really at my wits end he is 5ft 10 he weighed 10 stone on 4th March he now weighs 9 st 3lbs. His BMI is 17.5
Hi there my husband was diagnosed with early dementia 2 years ago these past 6 months he has got progressively worse, shuffling hand movements ie rubbing his trouser legs, my big worry is that in the past 2 weeks he has lost 13lb in weight is this normal to lose such a great amount, and advice would be welcome thank you in advance


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
He has had no bugs or anything like that, he was 10st on 4th March he is now 9 stone 3lb, I do full fat meals, his appetite is poor and he eats what he is comfortable with, I have even got a smaller plate so he doesn't think I have over loaded him with food.
hi willywoo that's much to much in such a short period of time. if its because he isn't eating his calorie count would be very very low to have lost that much weight. if he had had a stomach bug then it would still need to have been a bad one to loose that much weight. is he drinking enough also. I would ask for him to be checked over by the homes g.p . how much was he before he lost weight. what have home said about this? juniepoonie


Registered User
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
You could be describing my father :(
I've commented on a different thread today on his sudden & dramatic loss of appetite & subsequent big weight loss. Waiting to see a dietician. I'm giving him Fortisip drinks to supplement the small amounts he's eating.
He's 91 with Alzhiemers/VasD.
No bugs either !


Registered User
Mar 20, 2014
My husband is 72 (im 57) I am finding this all so hard to comprehend this horrid illness,
You could be describing my father :(
I've commented on a different thread today on his sudden & dramatic loss of appetite & subsequent big weight loss. Waiting to see a dietician. I'm giving him Fortisip drinks to supplement the small amounts he's eating.
He's 91 with Alzhiemers/VasD.
No bugs either !


Registered User
Oct 28, 2013
Hello willywoo my husband is 74 suffering from this nightmare l feel for you, is your husband on Donepezil (Aricept) this can cause weight
Loss, my husband lost 1 stone in one month he didn'nt want to eat very much some days not wanting his dinner, his memory has improved a little due to Donepezil, he hasn't lost anymore weight hopefully he won't, not easy trying to get him to eat more, our Dr did some blood test all ok he's body is fit so just down to the drug, hope this is of some help take care
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Registered User
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
My dad is on Aricept & has been long term,with,I have to say,no improvement in him that I could see. Could this be linked to his sudden poor appetite/weight loss after all this time? I did mention this to the nurse from the memory clinic on Tuesday,that their had been no improvement in dad despite the length of time he'd been taking Aricept,the nurse said she would speak to a Dr @ the clinic to see if it could be stopped ?


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
Mum was in CH for 8mths before she passed away and in that time I had to buy a complete new set of clothes. Due to her eating less and less. I think it's fairly common.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2013
Hello mun re :-Aricept it slows AD down can improve memory but not for everyone we are just lucky my husband had a memory test last week he got 2 more questions right an improvement from 6 months ago. Your Dad could be worse without Aricept take card

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Registered User
Mar 19, 2012
South Yorkshire
That's my concern tbh,don't rock the boat and all that,leave well enough...you get my drift :)
My dad looks really frail & even more vulnerable now,don't want to make whatever time he has left any more of an ordeal for him by changing or stopping medication. Memory clinic nurse said that "we don't want him taking tablets he does'nt need" which is fair enough,but obviously no one knows how he will react if the Aricept is stopped & he could deteriorate rapidly as a consequence of it being stopped.
Val x
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Registered User
Jul 31, 2013
Worcester, Massachusetts
My husband has lost about 10 pds in 6 weeks. He has vd/stroke. Just got off the phone with my weekly phone call with Hospice - we discussed his eating, crushing pills (she is recommending that) funny thing, his bmi is 25! He was a body builder and when he had the stroke in 06, he was otherwise very healthy - sepsis due to infection from kidney stone. So even though he doesn't look good, he is still maintaining. Long story short - this is the new normal with good days and bad in between. I am not interceding with anything. When the lord decides to take my Tom, he will. My main goal and hospice goal is to make him comfortable and pain free. Quality of life not Quantity. Hope this helps!

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