Vascular dementia


New member
May 25, 2024
My name is Sharon and my husband has vascular dementia. He sleeps a lot during the day snd night. He eats and then goes to bed afterwards. I wake him up, he gets dressed, joins me for a few minutes in the living room, and then says “ Im going to bed”. I tell him no to stay up a little longer but he doesnt. When I get busy doing things, I find him in bed again. He does enjoy going out to eat but as soon as he gets home he heads for the bedroom to get in bed. He has been seeing a Neurologist and they might try him on a different pill as the one he had been taking made him worse and wasnt helping.


New member
May 12, 2024
My name is Sharon and my husband has vascular dementia. He sleeps a lot during the day snd night. He eats and then goes to bed afterwards. I wake him up, he gets dressed, joins me for a few minutes in the living room, and then says “ Im going to bed”. I tell him no to stay up a little longer but he doesnt. When I get busy doing things, I find him in bed again. He does enjoy going out to eat but as soon as he gets home he heads for the bedroom to get in bed. He has been seeing a Neurologist and they might try him on a different pill as the one he had been taking made him worse and wasnt helping.
HI Sharon, thanks for sharing. It is something that comes over us in a sort of overwhelming cloud and we just want to lie down and re-charge our batteries. The dementia im certain drains us faster than before and it’s a real struggle some days. I have PPA which is similar as i also get hugely fatigued late afternoon/early evening and it’s something my wife im sure doesn’t like at all. BUT, I do start the day very early so maybe like my wife and I do perhaps just doing things a bit earlier may help? Just a thought but best of wishes and thanks again for sharing your lived experience here. Blessings, John Pops Hyde


Registered User
May 25, 2024
Hi Sharon, sounds very like my husband who also has Vascular Dementia following 2 strokes and a fall. He sleeps A LOT. He gets up and has a cuppa and breakfast but then I see him nodding off. I leave him to it as at least I can pop out or get some chores done. I think there is little you can do about his sleeping, it’s his brain wanting a rest. I now realise that most social events he cannot cope with, he gets too tired, so I do those alone. I can still go out for a few hours. Can you still leave him home alone? If so, then I think meet up with family and friends whilst he is asleep or invite them over for a cuppa or a bit of lunch. I do this and Mike just falls asleep in his chair even when we’re are all chatting. He even does this when his children visit. It’s just what he does and it can’t be helped.


New member
May 25, 2024
My name is Sharon and my husband has vascular dementia. He sleeps a lot during the day snd night. He eats and then goes to bed afterwards. I wake him up, he gets dressed, joins me for a few minutes in the living room, and then says “ Im going to bed”. I tell him no to stay up a little longer but he doesnt. When I get busy doing things, I find him in bed again. He does enjoy going out to eat but as soon as he gets home he heads for the bedroom to get in bed. He has been seeing a Neurologist and they might try him on a different pill as the one he had been taking made him worse and wasnt helping.

HI Sharon, thanks for sharing. It is something that comes over us in a sort of overwhelming cloud and we just want to lie down and re-charge our batteries. The dementia im certain drains us faster than before and it’s a real struggle some days. I have PPA which is similar as i also get hugely fatigued late afternoon/early evening and it’s something my wife im sure doesn’t like at all. BUT, I do start the day very early so maybe like my wife and I do perhaps just doing things a bit earlier may help? Just a thought but best of wishes and thanks again for sharing your lived experience here. Blessings, John Pops Hyde
Thanks for sharing your experiences. If I tell my husband that he has early Dr appt, he does get up early with no problems.
Hi Sharon, sounds very like my husband who also has Vascular Dementia following 2 strokes and a fall. He sleeps A LOT. He gets up and has a cuppa and breakfast but then I see him nodding off. I leave him to it as at least I can pop out or get some chores done. I think there is little you can do about his sleeping, it’s his brain wanting a rest. I now realise that most social events he cannot cope with, he gets too tired, so I do those alone. I can still go out for a few hours. Can you still leave him home alone? If so, then I think meet up with family and friends whilst he is asleep or invite them over for a cuppa or a bit of lunch. I do this and Mike just falls asleep in his chair even when we’re are all chatting. He even does this when his children visit. It’s just what he does and it can’t be helped.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. While he is sleeping, I do quick errands and he does fine. When I return I do tell him it’s time to get up and he’ll say ok and joins me in the living room to watch some tv programs but not for long and then he says “I’m going to bed.”

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