Vascular Dementia & Pneumonia

Ice Cream

New member
Jul 2, 2023
Hi, this is my first post

My lovely cute grandmother unfortunately has vascular dementia for nearly 2 years now with a fractured hip bone. Things have been tough it’s changed our life upside down, it breaks my heart to see my grandmother in this condition. Just recently she had been rushed into hospital with pneumonia. Things are looking a bit better however she has lost weight, doesn’t eat or drink much but is very dehydrated and have noticed her speech / language is very poor she will only say one or two words and she is beginning to sleep more than usual.

we are all very disheartened, it’s painful to see my grandmother like this from her being a housewife to lying in bed with dementia is truly heartbreaking to see your loved one in such a state. I don’t wish to lose my grandmother she is my everything she is all that I have in this world she is my heart she is my world.

Please could anyone suggest any advise.
We all already feel guilty for placing my grandmother into 24hr care as her needs couldn’t be met at home for various of reasons. What should my mum and me say to ourselves, what should we do to make things better. We try our best to make ends meet but still we are far ahead, constantly feeling low and upset.
What to do and what can we do.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Ice Cream and welcome to Dementia Talking Point.
I am so sorry to read about your grandmother being so poorly and your love for her shines through the words you have written.
Please don’t feel guilty that your grandmother had to go into residential care, there comes a time when families can no longer provide the 24/7 care needed.
Pneumonia and hospital stays are hard on a person who has dementia and can result in a deterioration of their condition. You say that your grandmother is improving and hopefully that will continue but she may not go back to fully to how she was before the pneumonia.
In the meantime talk to your gran, hold her hands and tell her how much you love her.