Vascular dementia - pattern off not sleeping every 4th night


Registered User
I am after some advice in respect of my mum, who I care for at home. She has been diagnosed with severe vascular dementia.

She has entered a pattern of not sleeping every 4th night (and sometimes a second consecutive day and night), and then her body just catches up and we let her sleep a long time to recover.

When she does not sleep it is as if she is on adrenaline and very active. She will stay in bed and just "play" with the sheets and talk to herself a lot. I have tried talking to her, playing music, etc. but all to no avail. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so how did you deal with the not sleeping.


Contrary Mary

Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Greater London
Good morning Paco

My Mum has vascular dementia and sleeping is one of a batch of problems which has developed since she came out of hospital a month ago.

There is no pattern, but she must be awake as I hear her talking to herself, and if I look in she is on her back obviously having given up trying to go to sleep. She also spends a fair part of the day in bed and "plays" with the sheets.

I am hoping that someone from the CMHT will be visiting next week. The nurse has already asked various questions over the phone.

At the moment, therefore, i have no advice but lots of sympathy.
