Unsure about what to do next


Registered User
Oct 29, 2021
Hi All,

My first post and thought I needed to reach out for any advice or tips. I have read lots and lots of information about Alzheimer's since my 84 year old mother got diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's in August. What I am struggling with now is how fast she has declined since then.

I have asked for the memory clinic to do another assessment & discuss her medication, but they won't do this until the middle of December.

She now literally can't hold anything in her memory for longer than a minute, has no idea of what day, month, date, time or whether it is day or night now. Is still trying to get to places on the train but forgetting to get off and going to the end of the trainline, luckily only about 40 minutes away. She lives by herself in a retirement flat, so luckily has help at hand if needed. She has carers who now come and give her medication to her as she can't remember when or how much to take. She is on memantine 15mg. Of course as per what I have read is quite normal, she says there is absolutely nothing wrong with her, although she phones me up saying she's confused and asks for help. She is also forgetting to eat and has lost a large amount of weight. I have discussed this with her GP and he is getting a dietician to see her, a month later we are still waiting.

The last straw was a phone call this morning from where she lives to say last night she put her dinner in the oven and then went to an evening in their communal area for the residents. 2 hrs later she tells someone she thinks she has forgotten to turn the oven off ! They find the dinner still in the oven and nearly on fire !

She has had 3 urine tests for a UTI. First 2 were contaminated, the last one the doctors said unlikely any infection but he gave her a course of antibiotics which she has now finished and no change.

I have spoken to the memory clinic again today and they said her cognitive test was quite good back in August and there is no need to do another, but thankfully they will send out an occupational therapist to check how mum is with her appliances round the house. Not sure how this will help with her remembering to turn off the cooker though !

So, I am now thinking she might need more care, maybe someone to live with her which will be an uphill battle, or what else I don't know. Maybe just wait for that crisis to happen. Any thoughts or advice will be greatly received.



Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
You could ask social services to assess her care needs. From now on do keep a written log of incidents. She may be at risk of starting a fire given the burned dinner story. It may soon be time for a care home if she is not safe at home. A possible way forward might be for a daily carer to prepare her main hot meal, with a remit to turn off the gas!


Registered User
Oct 29, 2021
@MartinWL Thank you so much for your reply. First thing is that although my brother and I have POE over finances (just registered but being set up with banks now,) it is an old EPA which doesn't include health and welfare. Also mum has enough to be self-funding. So the questions is Can I still ask social services to assess her needs ?

Wonderful suggestion about a carer to cook her hot meal for her. She can be quite tricky and doesn't accept any help without a fight. She can be quite verbally abusive and extremely hurtful with the things she says at times, but not physically. I'm thinking that if I can find a carer or someone who will come in and prepare something for her, she will see this as a private chef and special treatment and accept it. At the moment she can go down to the restaurant where she lives, or have meals sent up to her, but she has taken a dislike to the food and the place as she thinks everyone is trying control her not help her. She can be very difficult in trying to please.

Many thanks again.


Registered User
May 21, 2018
Hello @Ruth32

I love the idea of a carer disguised as the private chef. When my mum became unable to cook or prepare meals safely, I stuffed the fridge full of tempting cold things like mini-quiches, sausage rolls, cream cheese, hot cross buns, pots of custard. As @MartinWL suggests, perhaps time to disable the oven and make excuses for why the engineer has it yet fixed it.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2017
Hi @Ruth32, yes social services can still assess your mums needs but I found my local SS department were not very interested as MIL is self funding. They only sent out someone after staff from memory clinic referred her. I wanted their input as I felt they would be experienced and give a lot of advice. In the end my PWD was in hostess mood and the social worker believed everything she said, so my own research had given me more information of available help.
I would say you know your mum best. Trust your instincts and arrange care in a way that you think she will accept and needs and take advantage of any mini crisis to bring in more help.
Often you will see a need long before your mum does (if ever). My own mum has deteriorated rapidly over the last 18 months. She refused carers point blank in March. Now she is getting used to twice daily visits.


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
@MartinWL Thank you so much for your reply. First thing is that although my brother and I have POE over finances (just registered but being set up with banks now,) it is an old EPA which doesn't include health and welfare. Also mum has enough to be self-funding. So the questions is Can I still ask social services to assess her needs ?
Yes absolutely, you don't have to be POA to ask. And going forward, your mum is self funding and you as EPA attorney control her money so that gives you a lot of influence.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2021
Thanks all for your replies. I am going to get together a couple of options. My first thought was to get someone to cook for her then realised the cooker would be working the rest of the time so that is a no go. We will probably disable the cooker when there this week and fill the fridge with cold goodies and try and persuade her to use the restaurant for hot meals. Will also look into contacting the social services for assessment and advice.

Many thanks


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020