

Registered User
Feb 23, 2021
I received a phone call to inform me that an ambulance had been called and my PWD was being taken to hospital because they had been unresponsive for a long period of time. The carers are aware that my PWD can be unresponsive but they are usually pretending and the episodes had never lasted as long, so naturally they were worried. The episode lasted over an hour. The paramedics even shouted right next to their ear to try to get a response to no avail, and decided that they needed to be taken to hospital. Their 121 carer went with them. Apparently, just as the ambulance arrived at the hospital my PWD woke up and started singing at the top of their voice as if nothing had happened. They were checked over but were unable to find anything wrong. To say that I was so relieved is an understatement. However, I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar and if anyone knows if these episodes are common in PWD? Thanks in advance if any insights into what happened x


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hello 👋

I have read of it happening on this site a few times. And certainly it happened once in mum’s care home.



Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
This has happened to mum on quite a few occasions. One in particular stands out that carers couldn't wake her, I couldn't wake her, contacted GP and they said call ambulance. Mum went to A & E had x rays, scans, blood tests and didn't stir at all. Then as they were moving her to a ward she woke up as if nothing was wrong. On that occasion she had low levels of potassium, but nothing else was found. For a couple of years mum has been okay (she went into a nursing home not long after that incident) but for the last 4 -5 months the problem has resumed. Her GP is aware, I have said no to any hospital tests and the carers let her come out of the sleep on her own, which she eventually does. Her dementia has progressed and she is sleeping more anyway.

Hope this may have helped a little bit.


Registered User
Feb 23, 2021
Thank you so much for your reply. Although it is a worry, I am reassured that this sort of thing can happen. As POA, I too have said no to hospital visits as my PWD is already at end stage and I think a stay in hospital will only have an adverse effect. However, as this episode was the first prolonged one the care home did the right thing by calling an ambulance. Your reply is gratefully appreciated x

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