Trapped with Alzheimer’s husband I don’t like


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Better news this week. Finally. Hospital making a mess of husbands needs, meds and diet, next to last straw was brand new, strangedischarge coordinator telling him he'd be off to X nursing home next day. I had to ask where iit was and what was the plan. 8 miles 2 busses and 2 hours from home... Plan was to be assessed for permanent residence..... Not what had been discussed for 10 days. Supposed to be assessed and meds changed for return home with nurse visits. I also realised nursing home on street we left 25 years ago after our house was repeatedly vandalised. Husband would get hugely upset in nursing home, not better! He'd be stuck there. No timescale for departure only next day. Husband kept saying he wanted to go home. I made sure he wanted this and we left the ward. All hell broke loose on the way to to hospital exit. Shouting staff trying to block the way, calling security, telling us husband couldn't go he had "dolls" he had "doula". No toys, no birthing partner he's a 67 year old man. Kept going. Security manhandled us loudly and forcefully out of the lift, husband now has Chinese burns and bruises on his arms. He was forced back to ward, police were called to get me out..... I called solicitor while being guarded.....Last straw arrived. DOLS or DOLA Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards / Act form had been input 3 days before, without any apparent reason. Ward reluctantly sent out photocopy. Lots of factual errors. Supposed to be explained and formally acknowledged with patient's representative. Me. I'd left a very happy and contented Bill the day it was input No idea such a form existed.... Police waited until I was on bus home. Spent whole night getting advice, Back at hospital 5.30am to be there for husband if poss. Security rocked up to guard me as I sat outside reading. Ward Matron asked me to wait until later, no problem with that. Correct discharge coordinator turned up. Horrified at events. Yes he's awaiting discharge to temp nursing home to then come home...... Ward matron had the grace to apologise for previous day. (It happened. It was unnecessary and they'd broken the law....) Agreed husband to stay in for NHS continuing care package to be put in place for direct return home. Meeting all staff next week for this. All staff suddenly very kind and quietly eating humble pie.
Never ever going to let my husband stay even one night alone in that hospital if he has to go in again. Staff mislead, make mistakes, do not follow medication and meal protocols required, do not understand dementia except by infantilising and sedating patients. Disgraceful
Hospital finally agreed to discharge OH straight home. District nurses for insulin jabs twice daily free forever. Currently got reenablement support 5x day for his medication. Discharge Team not chuffed with hospital mismanagement of his needs and care. Been home a few days, reenablement and district nurse jabs not all as promised....but other support is coming from all sides at last. Adjustments all round required. OH chafing to get into town to barbers. Is not aware how bad his dementia is. That's the most difficult bit....


New member
Apr 6, 2022
what I like about being here and writing about my feelings is that I feel understood. I can say I am fed up and wish I had my life back, sooner rather than later, and people understand. No judgment
I am popping by more frequently now and I agree with you lenny. It helps reading others' experiences and I really do thank them for sayi ng how they feel. My husband has not been diagnosed but he is sliding downhill towards it fast and it is cruel and sad. But what happens to me? It will depend upon how compliant he is. My daughter who was a carer, mostly with dementia clients, is gravely concerned for me. While he is a good man he is also very difficult. Anyway thank you all for sharing. It does make a difference knowing I am one of so many