Tips when moving house


New member
May 16, 2023
I am preparing to move to a new house with my husband who has LBD. He gets very confused and agitated when he is in an unfamiliar place. Anyone got any useful tips on how I can make the transition smoother for him?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Good luck @LifeInLimbo

We moved house prior to diagnosis and the move actually identified dementia after a couple of years of knowing something was wrong but not sure what.

Sorry, I have no tips, but I hope your husband won't be as confused as mine was.

Whatever your relationship and his condition, either find him a comfortable place to be while you get everything sorted or get him to help you unpack in the hope he will remember where things are.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2023
Hi @LifeInLimbo,
We are in a very similar place, so I really can empathise. Husband with LBD, and we just moved c.2.5 weeks ago to a completely new area, into an Extra Care flat as 'future-proofing' of sorts, even though I deal with everything in regards care for now.
He is extremely discombobulated as everything is a) unfamiliar and b) changing on a daily basis as I attempt to unpack.
He is finding it especially hard as he desperately wants to help me, but keeps bumping up against the realisation that he can't, and this upsets him as it's almost constant reminders of what he's lost and exacerbates the fear of what might be to come.
Even what seem quite little things like learning where to put bin bags (there's a bin store with a push-button code), he now needs my help with, so his confidence has dropped significantly.
What we are doing is taking periodic breaks just for a cuddle, and lots of reassurance that 'this too shall pass... and life will be better'. Also trying to establish just one or two new norms, so at least something is unchanging (er, not easy!).
This supports us both, to be fair, as I too am finding it extremely difficult and overwhelming, especially as we've had problems with damage and missing items after the move so there's even more admin than I had imagined.
I wish you luck, a bottomless pit of patience, and as smooth a transition as is possible.
Just remember, Rome wasn't built in a day - give yourself time, and your husband extra time.

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