That was careless

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
After meeting a few friends two and three weeks ago I met three different friends over the past three days. It was only when I was listening to the new advice on the BBC I realised I had been sitting only a few inches from a friend for half an hour while chatting in the park. I am now worried she may have the virus and I may have caught it from her. I couldn't forgive myself if I have. For three months I have been avoiding people in the street, but was so busy enjoying a proper conversation for the fist time in months I let my guard down.
Sorry, everyone has their own worries with lockdown and as C has had so many UTIs as well I've got enough to worry about, but it just reminded me how vulnerable C is and how lonely being a carer is.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
If you were outside @nae sporran you're probably ok. I believe only about 1/1700 people are now thought to have the virus so that's pretty good odds for not meeting anyone with it. I just keep washing my hands everytime I get home. Never used so much soap in my life! I expect there'll be a water shortage soon just to add to our worries...

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I hope you're right, @Bunpoots. I did drown my hands in alcohol gel before getting in the car, though I waited 'til my friend was round the corner first. So long as we don't have to rely on that horrible stuff when the water runs out.


Registered User
May 21, 2018
I think @Bunpoots is right. There is apparently very little chance of catching it whilst outside. We are all doing our best in this weird new world. You do more than enough. Please don't beat yourself up over this!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It`s easily done @nae sporran.

I`m sorry such a beneficial chat was spoilt by the realisation you might have forgotten about social distancing. Thank goodness you were outside.

Fingers crossed no harm has been done.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
I also met up with friends whom I haven’t seen since before Christmas, for various reasons. We spent all afternoon sitting around, just moving chairs to keep in the shade!
But my face is a little warm, tomorrow should be interesting!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m sorry you have an added worry @nae sporran but I agree with what others have said about being outdoors. So easily done when we want and need contact.

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
You know, she may be worrying you have the virus and she may have caught it from you. Try not to worry too much, I know, easier said than done.
You might be right, Joanne, but I don't want to add to her worries as she has enough on her plate at the moment too. Thanks for the support and thank you @Izzy.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
As others have said there is much less chance of catching the virus outside. A hot dry day reduces the chances even more. Most viruses are quickly destroyed by uv light when it is hot and dry.

You've got enough worries so I'd let this one go.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i expect you will be fine gvt was saying it depends which way you were facing eg side by side is safer when not distancing your friend hasnt got the virus as she or shown symptoms? sometimes you have to take a calculated risk

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
Thanks @jennifer1967. We were side by side, but of course there was a lot of eye contact. Sandy was cleared in a hospital test two weeks ago, and is a generally cautious person who worries almost as much as I do, so hopefully she is still fine. Walking with the others I have tried to keep a metre apart, and sitting in the garden with another friend on Tuesday we were a few metres apart.
You are probably right, and I am over reacting.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
Remember we are all victims of brainwashing.
( That is not a criticism, it’s a fact, if I was the government I would have called together a multi disciplinary team and given them the brief ‘what can we tell this lot to keep them at home) too!
Remember the population in the uk is 68 Million ?
Do any of your friends lead hedonistic lifestyles, cavorting with tennis players? or working in meat factories?
Then the odds are minuscule.

You are responding to what my family call a ‘ hierarchy of worries’!
If we put aside the ‘carer worries ‘ we all share on this site, then because of or lifestyles we don’t have some of the Worries other people in society have. ‘ If I make the wrong choice of location my small business could fail’ or my partners got a blond hair on their collar?
So what we do is raise a worry right up there to take there! And when all your friends remain in the best of health, if you are like me you will take another worry and put it right up there!

Getting back to covid.
How many people have died from Covid that are Not:
Over 70
Underlying health conditions
Fat or obese.

Let me tell you they are never going to be giving you the answer to that question?
New question, why with all the hours of questions was no journalist ever curious to know the answer?


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Getting back to covid.
How many people have died from Covid that are Not:
Over 70
Underlying health conditions
Fat or obese.

Let me tell you they are never going to be giving you the answer to that question?
New question, why with all the hours of questions was no journalist ever curious to know the answer?

This information is contained within various statistics which are published monthly by the ONS and is available for all to see if interested (including journalists):

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I won't get into the news coverage or the politics of it @Weasell, I've wasted too much time doing that on social media. I do appreciate how frustrating the past 3 months have been for you and most of the country though. My friends are all over 60 and a couple are over 70 as is my partner. C also has too many health problems on top of dementia and she is borderline obese, so I worry about her health all the time. I constantly have to balance the need for a social life despite the restrictions and as my friend says we have to walk to stay sane.