Symptoms of Dementia?

Monster Lady

Registered User
Jun 9, 2014
My mum was recently diagnosed as having pseudo-dementia and AD. She's been displaying problems with her short term memory for just over a year; it's as if she's she's not paying attention to what she's told. This is part of the pseudo-dementia and that's being treated with anti-depressants.

Over the last three weeks or so, she's begun to display other symptoms (?) and I was wondering if they were connected.

She has never had a particularly good apetite and after a leg amputation, she has struggled to maintain her weight - just short of 7 stone - but she's started to throw cooked food away, rather than eat it. Usually, any leftovers are put in the fridge, but she's actually throwing fairly large quantities of food away and I think she's trying to hide the fact that she's not eating.

She can't do much in the way of housework, but she likes to do her bit, so she usually washes the pots. Recently any washing up has been done by myself or her carer. She won't open her curtains unless I tell her to and there's other little things she used to do that she won't do without prompting.

Most worrying, is her apparant lack of logical thinking. Our cat has an infected bite and needs to go to the vet so, this morning I closed the cat flap. We only ever close the flap when the cat has a problem and mum is aware of the infection. But as soon as she saw he couldn't get out, she opened the flap. This is very unusual behaviour for my mum and I was wondering if it was connected to AD?

Sorry for the long winded post. X


Registered User
Jan 27, 2014
Don't worry about the length of your post hun.

I wonder if it's worth checking her for a UTI, it was always the first port of call when my mum started acting differently. They affect them in the strangest of ways. Get her a doctors appointment, it's worth ruling it out before anything else as it is so simple to treat.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello Monster Lady, a warm welcome to you here, so sorry your mum has been showing unusual behaviour of late, maybe her medication needs adjusting as some anti depressants take time to kick in and can give our loved one rather strange symptoms:eek: I know when my mum was first put on these(Mirtazapine and Lorazepam) they seemed to make her worse and created a total lack of empathy and understanding, she was then tested for a UTI which alas she did have, but not sure if it was the medication that caused this or just one of those things:( have a chat with mums doctor and hopefully they will do something to help soon. Please do keep posting and let us know how things are.
Take care
Chris x (p.s. my mum also went off hot meals, so snacks and finger food encouraged her to eat)

Monster Lady

Registered User
Jun 9, 2014
Aha! I have tracked down the meaning of UTI (thanks to the list of abbreviations) and I have to ask...
How the hell would a UTI affect behaviour?

On the other hand, I'm to make sure that i's are dotted and t's are crossed, so it's off to the doctor for mum as soon as possible. I'm up to my ears in bronchitis, so I'm avoiding Mum at the mo.

Thanks for the advice. xx

The sun shines every day!

Monster Lady

Registered User
Jun 9, 2014
Packed Mum off to the GP this morning. Turns out she has a small amount of blood in her urine, so samples have been sent away. I get the results tomorrow morning.

The sun shines every day!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Aha! I have tracked down the meaning of UTI (thanks to the list of abbreviations) and I have to ask...
How the hell would a UTI affect behaviour?

The sun shines every day!

Hi Monster Lady, and welcome to TP :)

You would be amazed at the effect of a UTI - I'm packing My Mum in law off to the GP this morning too, as over the last 3 - 4 days her behaviour has just been getting worse and worse, and though (unusual for Mil) there are no other symptoms, I'm beginning to be convinced that a UTI is the reason - massive increase in confusion, big drop in the little logical thought processes she still has, more delusions, and generally being far more difficult to calm than usual. From the sound of your last post, a UTI is likely to be having some impact, so got fingers crossed now that a course of antibiotics will help her very soon x


Registered User
Oct 18, 2012
Nr Heathrow, Mum has AD & VD

My Mum had a UTI in Sept last year and has been unable to walk since. I was astonished how badly it affected her, eyes open not seeing, not able to communicate it was so terrible to see I thought she was dying.

When she first had symptoms about 2 yrs ago and living in Ireland, I was incredulous that the head of care rang me and said she actually hoped Mum had a UTI but was so sorry, this was not the case! :eek:

Little did I know...then

Monster Lady

Registered User
Jun 9, 2014
Who'd have thought it? I must admit to being amazed by all this.....

The doctor found very small traces of blood in the urine and so sent a sample off for testing. I should get the results tomorrow. I confess, I'm hoping your all correct about this coz her behaviour (not necessarily memory) has gone quite odd in the last few weeks.

I shall post the results. And many thanks for the information. xxx

The sun shines every day!