Stories from people who’ve lived past 11 years with Alzheilmers


Registered User
Jun 16, 2024
Re-assure your Mum there is plenty of good times ahead with fewer responsibilities. Eat well, go out, socialise, exercise, pray, take the tablets and laugh a lot.

@AintNoFlorenceNightingale Good advice above. Get your mum to go to dementia groups, cafes and craft sessions. It may not have been her thing prior to dementia but these groups give support, understanding, and the opportunity to make friends with people in the same situation. Her new friends will understand her fears and will show her there is life after a dementia diagnosis.

I have made friends with two couples whose husband's have dementia. we go to the cinema , musicals and concerts and the other couple is off on a coach holiday together. My OH not up to the journey or we would be going too. X
Thank you so much, that’s really encouraging x


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
I am 10 years from diagnosis while my brothers have it too and they are ten years older than me. The doctor mentioned 7 good years followed by 7 less good on diagnosis but I am still managing the household, preaching at church and leading health walks (with help). Dr Jennifer Bute, who has dementia herself but lives a worthwhile life, presented a graph showing alternative routes to the end. Either a very gradual decline followed by quickish death or giving up and living long as a vegetable. I am aiming for the former and two of my brothers, nine and eleven years older, seem to be achieving it. The third had a dreadful accident.
Re-assure your Mum there is plenty of good times ahead with fewer responsibilities. Eat well, go out, socialise, exercise, pray, take the tablets and laugh a lot.
Thank you @dbrilyant, that is so good to hear. My husband is 12 years post diagnosis and so far so not too bad. I will read the Dr Bute book. There are others - Wendy Mitchell and Christine Bryden in Australia who have gone on for many years enjoying a full and happy life.

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