Stepfather wont let ne see mum


New member
Mar 31, 2024
Hi everyone,
My mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia in November 2020 and I have been with her for absolutely everything.
2 weeks ago I fell out with my stepfather over her care, he assaulted me & I had to call police & ss safeguarding. Now he refuses to let me see or talk to mum. What can I do? If I'm not doing her personal care, who is?
Any help appreciated. Jo


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
This must be very worrying for you. I am assuming that safeguarding have no further action on this. If so go back to them and ask if they have ensured there is personal care in place for your mum. You can’t make him let you see her and if there is nfa needed in terms of your mums needs, you will have to find a way to community with your step father to sort this out. It may be that he has realised in the last two weeks what kind of care you have provided and been struggling to meet these needs himself.